Maike Buck
Age: 21
Degree course: Biochemistry
Hobbies: play with my dog, sports
Favourite lecture/subject: Microbiology
Favourite amino acid: Tryptophan
If I were a hormone, I would be serotonin, because there is no feeling more valuable than being happy.
Position in the team: Organization
What does iGEM mean to you?: iGEM means to me a motivation of students to have the courage to start research projects on their own. On account of iGEM students have the opportunity to gain a lot of essential practice for their future additionally to the theoretical scientific studies.
Why do you participate in the iGEM contest?: Plastic pollution is a subject which concerns me a lot. Hence the subject of the research project means a lot to me thematically. On the other hand microorganisms are fascinating and we are looking forward to work with them in the lab.