Hanna Maier

Age: 20 years

Degree course: Biochemistry

Hobbies: conducting a choir, playing the piano

Favourite lecture/subject: Physical chemistry

Favourite amino acid: Lysine

If I were a hormone, I would be …., because…
I would be serotonin because I am always happy and sometimes a little overexcited. 
Position in the team: Laboratory

What does iGEM mean to you?:
iGEM means a lot to me. As an environmentally friendly person I love our project-idea and I think it is very thrilling that young people from all over the globe come together with the same purpose: doing researches to create a better future. And that even though every student already does not have time for anything!

Why do you participate in the iGEM contest?:
I participate in the iGEM contest because I take interest in our topic and I think it is fascinating to work together with others and get some lab experiences.