
Master of Science (MSc)


Research-orientated Chemistry is one of the most exciting disciplines of all. Our entire everyday life and technological applications are peppered with chemistry and customised materials. But none of this has always existed! Everything that we take for granted today was once the subject of research! And today there are other, more far-reaching topics! Interested in helping to shape this fascinating dynamic? Then go for it, Chemistry has everything you need!

More about the course

The research-oriented Master's degree programme in Chemistry offers the opportunity to immerse yourself deeply in the world of science and achieve your own research results. It is characterised by intensive laboratory work, interdisciplinary projects and collaboration with leading experts in the respective field. Students develop critical thinking, methodological skills and specialised knowledge that equip them perfectly for a career in science or industry. In the specific case of Chemistry, the programme combines theoretical knowledge with practical application in the laboratory. Students deal with current issues in chemical research, from materials science to organic synthesis and environmental chemistry. By participating in pioneering projects, they actively contribute to solving global challenges and are well prepared to work as innovative scientists and experts in the chemical industry, research institutions and universities.

Academic Degree

Master of Science (MSc)

Type Of Study
  • full-time
Admission regulations

further information

Start Of Study
  • each winter and summer semester
Course Language
  • English
Admission Requirements
  • no restriction
ECTS Credits


Standard Period Of Study



Methodological-scientific working group internships directly at the pulse of research

Research-oriented project internships in the Master's degree programme take place directly in the laboratories of the working groups and institutes. This guarantees a contemporary training; (akad.: ) education directly at the pulse of current Research and Development and high standards for the acquisition of competences in methodical-scientific work.

Programme content

Students can choose from the available courses in the individual Chemistry specialisations as they wish within the framework of the study regulations. Almost all theoretical courses have a seminar character. Theoretical teaching is directly linked to the professors' current research. The entire experimental part of the course is organised in so-called project work. These are individual research-orientated internships directly in the working groups. On this basis, all students independently carry out scientific (sub-)projects under supervision. This automatically takes place at the cutting edge and thus in direct contact with current research topics. Learning to work scientifically is therefore also naturally always the focus, regardless of the topic. This concept is self-supporting and prepares students ideally for their master's thesis and career start.

Study situation

The number of students on the Master's programme is comparatively low. The personal supervision ratio is excellent and, thanks to the diverse selection of courses, small group formats in seminar style can be expected in all courses. Admission to the Master's programme is regulated by the admission statutes. If the subject-specific criteria and the grade criteria of the bachelor's degree are met, the number of places is not limited; all interested students are allocated a place (in higher education, in the programme etc.) under these conditions. Due to the great flexibility of the degree programme and the research-oriented experimental training directly in the working groups, the degree programme is the ideal springboard for a successful career start. The only question is where to do it. Everyone decides for themselves, the possibilities are almost limitless and the framework conditions are excellent.

Study objectives

Graduates of the English-taught master's programme in Chemistry have comprehensive chemical knowledge and skills in selected specialist areas of Chemistry that correspond to the current international state of research. They are able to work independently in a scientific manner, review and actively utilise current specialist literature in a particular field, plan research processes and develop solution strategies. They have a high level of interdisciplinary skills that allow them to take on scientific tasks in peripheral areas of Chemistry and neighbouring disciplines.

Information for students

All information, both for prospective students and for students, is made available on the website of the Chemistry discipline. You are welcome to take a look at this at any time and contact the course advisors if you have any questions.

Click here to go to the Homepage of the Chemistry discipline.

Priorities and electives

In the master's programme in Chemistry, there are only framework specifications in the study regulations as to how many credit points must be completed in different subject areas. Which these are and which specific teaching is taken within the specialisation is largely up to the students. This allows maximum flexibility and the opportunity to realise your own ambitions and prepare for a career start after graduation. There are seven subject areas to choose from on the master's programme, three of which are focused on more intensively. However, the other specialisations are also accessible via general electives.

The specialisations are: Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Macromolecular Chemistry, Theoretical Chemistry, Power Engineering.

There are also thematic specialisations/profiles. If a sufficient number of courses (bzw. genau. genau lecture, tutorial etc.) are taken that are assigned to one or more of these profiles, a certificate is issued together with the transcript of records.

The thematic profiles are Chemistry of Energy Storage and Conversion, Sustainable, Green and Environmental Chemistry, Chemistry of Molecular Materials Light Matter Interaction, Chemistry of Healthcare and Biomaterials

The Chemistry discipline is excellent in battery research!

Routes abroad

A great way to broaden your horizons in a discipline is to study at a foreign university. Ulm University students can apply for one or two semesters abroad at numerous universities, both throughout Europe as part of the ERASMUS programme and outside Europe. If lectures are not required, internships and theses at other universities are also possible.

Ulm University has exchange agreements with over 100 universities in 26 countries.
International Office

As of 2024, the Chemistry discipline has ERASMUS partnerships with Sweden, Finland, the Netherlands and Switzerland. However, students also regularly travel to other European countries and overseas as part of other programmes. In addition to the USA, experience has shown that South Korea is particularly popular here.

What students and graduates of UUlm have to say

Lena and Lukas, 26 years old, graduates
During my studies, I realised that the subject is very diverse - from the production of chemicals to catalysts and battery research, or even solar cells. Another point was the high level of self-discipline required. The practical work is taught well in the internships and is usually taught at the same time as the theoretical content of the corresponding lectures. Recommended for anyone with a serious interest in Natural Sciences/Chemistry.

Akash, 26 years old, international student from India, beginning of the programme in 2022
I think the modules are really good and the programme itself has a lot to offer as a future reference, and Chemistry is a futuristic subject that gives me real ideas about everything, because without Chemistry it is harder to live. The (study/degree) programme at the University is very well planned. I have really good experience with the subject and the lab work is the best.

Experimental setting in the laboratory.

Scientific work on cutting-edge Research and Development.

Experimenting in working groups and laboratories.

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Studying at Ulm University.

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Everything is Chemistry! Our chemistry degree programmes at Ulm University.

Perspectives and opportunities - The world of Natural Sciences at Ulm University.

The career prospects for graduates of a chemistry degree programme are extremely diverse. The bachelor's degree qualifies you for a career, but it should be noted that most students only aim to start their career after completing a master's programme. Regardless of this, the following list provides an overview of some of the possibilities. But there are undoubtedly more. What is important is what interests you personally and what you focus your studies on within the given options.

  • Research and Development (R&D): Work in the chemical industry, pharmaceutical industry or at biotechnology companies.

  • Analytics: Quality control and assurance in industry, environmental analysis or forensic Chemistry.

  • Process and application engineering: development and optimisation of production processes in the chemical industry.

  • Marketing, sales and product management: placing chemical products on the market, developing marketing strategies.

  • Public relations: Communication of complex chemical content for the general public.

  • Patent system: Protection of inventions and processes through patents.

  • Food and beverage industry: Development and quality control of food and beverages.

  • Environmental chemistry: Investigation and reduction of environmental pollution through chemical processes.

  • Automotive industry: Development of fuels, batteries, plastics and other materials for vehicles.

  • Aerospace industry: materials development, fuel formulation and air quality in closed systems.

  • Energy and environmental technology: Development of sustainable energy sources, such as hydrogen and battery technologies, as well as research into CO₂ reduction technologies.

  • Electronics industry: production and development of materials for semiconductors, sensors and other electronic components used in mobility.

  • Battery and accumulator technology: Research and Development of powerful, durable and safe batteries for electric vehicles and other applications.

  • Materials science: Development and optimisation of new materials for various applications in the mobility sector.

Studying and living in Ulm

Welcome to the most liveable city in Germany. In Albert Einstein's birthplace, scientific research, leisure, top employers and culture come together in a unique way. Top locations and events such as the Ulmer Zelt, Nabada or the Donaufest attract visitors to the quaint streets. You feel at home here!

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Copyright: City of Ulm

Ziel erreicht! Du hast nun alle Infos zum Studiengang Chemistry.

Last Step: Kannst du viele dieser Fragen positiv beantworten, so kann der Studiengang Chemistry dein Wunschstudium sein!

  • Bist du interessiert an chemischer Forschung und Entwicklung und an wissenschaftlichen Arbeitsweisen?
  • Hast du Freude an Themen rund um neue Materialien, chemische Reaktionen und deren Anwendungsmöglichkeiten in Forschung, Technik und Alltag?
  • Bist du fasziniert von Innovation und möchtest kreativ arbeiten?
  • Willst du dich insbesondere Nachhaltigkeitsthemen wie modernen (elektrochemischen) Energiespeicher- und Energiewandlungssystemen widmen?
  • Bist du fasziniert von fächerübergreifender Arbeitsweise in einem multidisziplinären Umfeld aus Ingenieurwissenschaften, Physik, Chemie und Technologietransfer?


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