Master of Science (MSc)

Chemical Engineering

Chemical engineers participate in major industrial corporations, small and medium-sized enterprises and the civil service. Due to broadly based training, chemical engineers match the multifaceted needs of the modern job market. Professional activity is not restricted to the chemical industry, but extends to many associated industries.

More about the course

M.Sc. Chemical Engineering focuses on

  • chemical conversion of materials and the related technical processes and equipment.
  • modern methodological procedures like mathematical modelling of chemical processes.
  • chemical reaction engineering techniques for energy storage and conversion and related technologies.
Academic Degree

Master of Science (MSc)

Type of Study
  • full-time
Admission regulations

further information

Start of Study
  • each winter and summer semester
Course Language
  • English
Admission Requirements
  • no restriction
ECTS Credits


Standard Period of Study



  • Scope of the program: Scientific principles, experimental research, analytical methods and applications in the interdisciplinary fields of chemical engineering and energy technology
  • Emphasis on lab work: Students get trained in conducting scientific experiments, recording and analyzing experimental data.
  • Independent research project: For completion of the program students work independently on an experimental master´s thesis project in an area/institute of their choice.
  • Multidisciplinarity: The master program aims at getting together students, teachers and researchers from different disciplines in natural sciences and engineering science.

 Educational requirements to be met by future students:

  • Solid undergraduate education in mathematics and physics  and chemical engineering
  • Willingness to close potential gaps in basic knowledge in mathematics and natural sciences  quickly. Students will attend demanding intensive courses that summarize basics and lead to advanced topics fast.
  • Willingness to actively participate in classes, labs and seminars.
  • Social skills to live and study in a multicultural, scientifically and personally stimulating environment.

  • The master’s programme in Chemical Engineering is a research-oriented programme. It aims to deepen and complement the scientific and methodological qualifications acquired in the bachelor’s programme. The programme objective is to convey knowledge and skills to the students that enable them to independently work on complex problems in chemical and process engineering applying scientific methods and to thus qualify them for work in research, science, development and application in the industry, higher education and research institutes. In particular, the master’s degree qualifies graduates for doctoral studies.
  • Curriculum

Please check here e.g. Time tables; exam dates

and here for internships and downloads... on the website of our Institute for Chemical Engineering

How to apply

Application period
Start of Programme
Summer October 15 - November 15  April

February 1 - March 15


This is how you apply:

Step 1: Registration in the campus portal of Ulm University
You register online via "My personal campus portal" (link available here during the application phase).
After self-registration, you will receive an e-mail with the activation code and a request to confirm your personal account in the campus portal of Ulm University.

Step 2: Application in the campus portal of Ulm University
You submit your application via "My personal campus portal" and upload the required documents.


For further information on the entry requirements and the necessary application documents, please consult the page of the admission department  for the Chemical Engineering Master: link

If you need assistance to complete the form, please read the file: "How to complete the subject-specific Form"

It is very important that the form is filled correctly with information on the grading system at your university as well as information on the courses you attended. If the application form is not filled properly, your application may be rejected.


if you have a Bachelor's thesis, a final project report or you already published some scientific articles, please upload evidence about this together with the subject-specific form. 

Graduates of the Ulm University with a B. Sc. in Chemical Engineering, do not need to submit a formal application. 

For further information, please consult the page of the admission department page for the Chemical Engineering Master: link

Professional Prospects

A wide range of careers are open to chemical engineers given their scientific and analytic training:

  • Research and development positions in government-funded labs and private research industries
  • Scientific and technological areas and industry : chemical and pharmaceutical industry, material science, computer programming, automotive and aerospace research, manufacturing and technology-based areas, healthcare sector
  • Specialized applications such development, testing and implementation of new products and processes
  • Sales and Marketing positions: identification of potential customers and information about new products technical aspects

  • PhD in Germany and all over the world
  • Teaching
  • Research

Campus life

Tuition Fees are only applicable for second degree and international students (non-EU students). Further infomation can be found here.

Additionally the university and the students union (Studierendenwerk Ulm) currently charge administrative fees approximately amounting to 165 € each semester. Students admitted to the "Chemical Engineering" programme will be asked to pay these fees for the following term immediately after they accepted admission.

Living expenses
A student at Ulm University will face the following living expenses :
•    University/students union administrative fee: ~165 € each semester
•    Health insurance: 80 € each month
•    Rent: approximately 300 € each month
•    Public transportation (semester ticket): 115 € each semester
•    General cost of living (depending on the lifestyle): approx. 300 € each month

Expenses per year: approx.  8700 €
Expenses for the regular duration of the programme (2 years): approx. 17 400 €

Non-EU students have to pay tuition fees: 1500 € each semester

Financial Assistance
Information on scholarship programs can be found at the German Academic Exchange Services (DAAD). Typically, students will have to apply for a scholarship one year ahead of time. Ulm University does not offer any additional scholarships for incoming students.

Proof of Financial Resources
Typically, proof of financial resources of at least 700 € per month will be necessary to obtain a student visa. Additionally, many German embassies require students to prove that they dispose of a specific amount of money (approx. 8000 €) on a German bank account before a visa will be issued. Please inquire at the German embassy in your country for specific requirements.

Students admitted to the programme are advised to book a room in a student dormitory. This request is a part of our Acceptance letter.

There are four dorms downtown (25 min bus drive to the campus) and one near the campus (walking distance). All rooms are one person rooms and fully furnished. You share kitchen (with all cooking facilities) and bathroom with a few persons; according to the type of dorm this can be 2 to 12 persons. There are no dorms exclusively for men or women, however some appartments may be women only.

Student Dormitories in Ulm

  • The main dormitories are the dormitory complexes "Heilmeyersteige" and "Manfred-Börner-Straße" at walking distance from the University and the dormitory "Gutenbergstraße" downtown.
  • overview of student dormitories run by the Studierendenwerk Ulm (students housing office)

Monthly rent: between 240 and 400 Euro .

  • We recommend that students do not work during 1st semester.
  • There is a limited number of student assistant positions (HiWi) available at the institutes participating in the MSc programme "Chemical Engineering”.
  • There is no financial compensation for master´s thesis work done at University of Ulm.
  • Info Work Regulations for Students (International Office, University of Ulm)