First-class support in life sciences, computer science and medicine - Ulm University in the top group in many areas in new CHE ranking

Ulm University

In the latest ranking by the Centre for Higher Education Development (CHE), Ulm University has once again achieved top results in many areas. The 2023/24 survey focused on the subjects of biology, chemistry, human medicine, computer science, mathematics, physics and dentistry. The students surveyed were particularly satisfied with the dedicated organisation of their respective degree programmes. Germany's largest university ranking is compiled in collaboration with the weekly newspaper DIE ZEIT.

Students in the subjects surveyed this year rated their study situation and organisation, support and the range of courses on offer at Ulm University as predominantly good. Particularly in chemistry, mathematics, computer science and dentistry, the respondents almost consistently awarded more than four out of five stars on average, placing the university among the best in Germany. When it comes to support at the start of studies, human medicine and dentistry are particularly impressive: the participating students awarded 12 out of a possible 14 points in this category.

The responses to the student survey show that young people often feel very comfortable at their university. In chemistry, the "great range of courses" was praised, as was the "moderate number of participants". The professors "respond well to questions from each individual", according to one assessment. The short distances between the scientific institutes, which enable personal contact, are also appreciated: "It's really cool and people are happy to tell you about their field of study!"

Additional teaching opportunities, the To Train U training hospital with its simulation shock room and the "excellent" practical training are emphasised by medical students. "The atmosphere is simply a bit more cordial and not anonymous" and the teaching is of a high standard, writes one respondent. Teaching in dentistry is also praised as "extremely good" and the lectures as "very student-orientated": "You feel like you're in good hands."

"The outstanding results of our university in the CHE ranking are a clear sign of the extraordinary dynamic that our teaching staff and students create together," emphasises Professor Olga Pollatos, Vice President for Teaching. "The mutual trust and open communication between teaching staff and students form the foundation for our focused and excellent educational institution. My sincere thanks go to everyone involved for their personal commitment and dedication, which make our university an outstanding place of learning."

About the CHE Ranking
The non-profit CHE Centre for Higher Education Development has been compiling systematic information on degree programmes, departments, universities and their locations in the university ranking every year since 1998. The CHE Ranking has been published in co-operation with the weekly newspaper DIE ZEIT since 2005. According to the CHE, the methodology used to compile the ranking is strictly subject-related, multidimensional and paints a picture of the universities from different perspectives. It does not show individual rankings, but rather the respective values and groups institutions into a top, middle and bottom range. Each year, only a subset of the subjects included in the CHE Ranking is analysed. The surveys are carried out for each subject every three years. The CHE Ranking is part of the "HeyStudium" website ( and also appears in the new ZEIT Study Guide 2024/25.

Further information: Jan-Christian Möller, Quality Development, Reporting and Auditing Unit, email:

Text and mediacontact: Christine Liebhardt

In a chemistry lab, two young women listen attentively to a man. All three are wearing white lab coats.
Outstanding support is guaranteed at Ulm University (Photo: Elvira Eberhardt/Uni Ulm)