Physics Colloquium WS 2023-24

Time: Monday, 16:15
Format: O = Online via Zoom   OR
              P = in Presence in Room !! N24/H13 !!   OR
              H = as Hybrid - online AND via Zoom

Starting 16:00 hrs, coffee/tea and cookies will be served in front of the lecture Hall.
As we want to avoid waste: we would greatly appreciate it, if you would bring your own mug/cup.

Date Speaker Host Format


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Dr. rer. nat. Christian Brand, DLR, Ulm, Germany
"Diffracting polyatomic molecules: challenges and solutions"

Prof. Schleich P


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Dr. Dirk Zeidler, Carl Zeiss SMT, Oberkochen, Germany
"The World's Fastest Electron Microscopes - ZEISS MultiSEM"

Prof. Kaiser P
13.11.2023 Prof. Hans Werner Schumacher, PTB Braunschweig, Germany
"Single Electron Pumps for the Revised Ampere"
Prof. Jelezko P

Prof. Birger Horstmann, DLR, Ulm, Germany
"Towards Multi-Scale Battery Simulations with Quantum Computers"

Prof. Michaelis P

Prof. Dr. Benjamin Stickler, Uni Ulm, Germany
"Probing and exploiting quantum physics with nanoscale objects"

Prof. Ankerhold P
04.12.2023 - - -

Dr. Johannes Zeiher, MPI für Quantenoptik, Munich, Germany
"Quantum simulation and quantum computing with neutral-atom arrays"

Prof. Hecker-Denschlag P
18.12.2023 - - -
  Turn of the year    
08.01.2024 - - -


Dr. Uros Delic, University Vienna, Austria
"Collective quantum effects with nanoparticle tweezer arrays"

Prof. Stickler P

Dr. Ciprian Padurariu, University Ulm, Germany
"Quantum Phenomena in Few Level Systemst formed by Magnetic Impurities on Superconductors"

Prof. Ankerhold P
29.01.2024 - - -
05.02.2024 Prof. Dr. Artur Widera, RPTU Kaiserslautern, Germany
"Quantum-engine cycles in ultracold gases"
Prof. Ankerhold P
12.02.2024 Prof. Michael Kinyanjui, University Ulm, Germany
"Collective phenomena in quantum materials: effects of lattice disorder dimensionality and pressure in real and momentum space"
Prof. Kaiser P
Invite - Zoom Meeting

The invite to the Zoom meeting will be sent out - if possible:
- one week before the event AND
- a reminder on the respective Monday
via the mailinglist phys_coll.

If you would like to receive the invite, please subscribe to the mailinglist at the website:

Prof. Dr. Jens Michaelis
Institute of Biophysics
Albert-Einstein-Allee 11
89081 Ulm
Phone: 0731/50-23051
Office: N25/3212