Physics Colloquium SoSe 2025

Invite - Zoom Meeting

Zoom-Link, if the event is only online.

The invite to the event or the Zoom meeting will be sent out - if possible:
- one week before the event AND
- a reminder on the respective Monday
via the mailinglist phys_coll.

If you would like to receive the invite, please subscribe to the mailinglist at the website:

28.04.2025Prof. Stefan Rotter, TU Vienna, AustriaProf. Stickler Dipl.-Ing. Mag.rer.nat. Peter Schattschneider, TU Vienna, AustriaProf. Kaiser
12.05.2025Prof. Dawei Wang, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
“Superradiance Lattice”
Prof. Hecker Denschlag
19.05.2025Prof. Ibrahim Cissé, MPI of Immunbiology and Epigenetics, Freiburg, GermanyProf. Gebhardt
26.05.2025Prof. Péter Dombi, HUN-REN Wigner Research Centre of Physics, Budapest, HungaryProf. Schleich
02.06.2025Prof. Nathan Lundblad, Bates College, Lewiston, USAProf. Schleich
16.06.2025Prof. Gabriel Hétet, Laboratoire de Physique de l'ENS, Paris, France
Spin-Mechanics with Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers
Prof. Stickler
23.06.2025Prof. Witlef Wieczorek, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Towards quantum experiments with micrometer-sized levitated superconducting particles
Prof. Stickler
30.06.2025Dr. Dennis Schlippert, Leibniz University, Institute of Quantum Optics, Hannover, GermanyProf. Efremov
07.07.2025Prof. Gavin Morley, Warwick University, United KingdomProf. Plenio
14.07.2025Prof. Christopher A. Fuchs, University of Massachusetts, Boston, USAProf. Schleich

Schwörmontag - local Holiday


Prof. Dr. Jens Michaelis
Institute of Biophysics
Albert-Einstein-Allee 11
89081 Ulm
Phone: 0731/50-23051
Office: N25/3212

Time: Mondays, 16:15

Starting 16:00 hrs, coffee/tea and cookies will be served in front of the lecture Hall. 
As we want to avoid waste: we would greatly appreciate it, if you would bring your own mug/cup.