Physics Colloquium SS 2024

Date Speaker Host
15.04.2024 Dr. Steffen Michaelis de Vasconcellos, University Münster, Germany
"Exciton dynamics in strained 2D semiconductors"
Prof. Hecker Denschlag
22.04.2024 Dr. Andreas Stier, Walter Schotty Institute, TU Munich, Germany
"Investigating atomically thin materials with the world's largest magnets"
Prof. Hecker Denschlag

Prof. Dr. Markus Arndt, University Vienna, Austria
"Universal matter-wave interferometry across the mass & complexity scales"

Prof. Stickler
06.05.2024 Dr. Tineke Lenstra, Cancer Institute Amsterdam, Netherlands
"Understanding transcription: one molecule at a time"
Prof. Gebhardt
13.05.2024 Prof. Robert Fickler, Tampere University, Finland
"Structured Light and the Twisted Talbot Effect"
Prof. Stickler
20.05.2024 Pentecost  
27.05.2024 Prof. M. Suhail Zubairy, Texas A & M University, College Station, TX, USA
"Counterfactual Communication: Optical Communication without Photons"
Prof. Schleich
03.06.2024 CANCELLATION!!!
Prof. Ulrich Schreiber, TU Munich, Germany

"High Resolution Inertial Earth Sensing with Large Sagnac Interferometers"
Prof. Schleich
10.06.2024 Prof. Markus Aspelmeyer, University of Vienna, Austria
"Quantum sources of gravity: the next frontier of macroscopic quantum physics"
Prof. Stickler
17.06.2024 Prof. Dr. Frank Vollmer, University of Exeter, United Kingdom
"Single-Molecule Sensing on Optoplasmonic Microcavities"
Prof. Plenio
24.06.2024 Dr. Julen Pedernales, University Ulm, Germany
"Testing Fundamental Physics with Optomechanics"
Prof. Plenio
01.07.2024 - -
08.07.2024 Prof. Ulrich Schreiber, TU Munich, Germany
"High Resolution Inertial Earth Sensing with Large Sagnac Interferometers"
Prof. Schleich

Prof. Dr. Jens Michaelis
Institute of Biophysics
Albert-Einstein-Allee 11
89081 Ulm
Phone: 0731/50-23051
Office: N25/3212

Time: Mondays, 16:15

Starting 16:00 hrs, coffee/tea and cookies will be served in front of the lecture Hall.
As we want to avoid waste: we would greatly appreciate it, if you would bring your own mug/cup.