Teaching - Physics Department SS 2023

The lectures for the summer semester will start on 17.04.2023 and will be offered mostly on campus



The courses will be organized via the E-Learning Platform Moodle where the information, learning materials and teaching tools will be available. Registration for the courses is in general possible during the first week of lectures via self-enrolment. The Moodle courses are linked to the course catalogue (campus online website) and the courses overview available in the button below, but can also be searched directly in Moodle.

Courses Overview of the Physics Department

External lecturers usually use the resources available at their own institution. In these cases, registration is done by e-mail.


Please check the FAQs about Studying and Teaching

Elective Courses and Seminars SS 2023

Please find below the list of courses and advanced seminars offered in the current semester. The courses are so structured so that students will be able to deepen their knowledge and specialize in a certain area of Physics. Please keep in mind that usually previous knowledge is required to follow the courses successfully and  profitably. 

Biophysics and Soft Matter Physics

PHYS5118.0 Gene Expression / Genexpression
Lecturer: Prof. Jens Michaelis
Course type: Lecture (2 hours/week)
Cycle: Summer semester
Language: English
Module: 74004 Gene Expression / Genexpression
72233 Biophysics: Gene Expression / Biophysik: Genexpression
Credits: 3 CP (74004)
6 CP (72233)


For 74004: 14004 Gene Expression

For 72233:  13181 Biophysics: Gene Expression

Precourse: Only for 72233: 13182 Biophysics: Gene Expression (Vorleistung)


For module "72233 Biophysics: Gene Expression" two parts are required:
Part I: PHYS5118.0 Gene Expression
Part II: PHYS5148.0 Biophysics Lab II

PHYS5138.0 Cellular Biophysics / Zelluläre Biophysik
Lecturer: Prof. Kay Gottschalk
Course type: Lecture (2 hours/week)
Cycle: summer semester
Language: English
Module 74005 Cellular Biophysics / Zelluläre Biophysik
73809 Biophysics: Cellular Biophysics / Biophysik: Zelluläre Biophysik

3 CP (74005)
6 CP (73809)



For 74005: 14005 Cellular Biophysics

For 73809: 13811 Biophysics: Cellular Biophysics

Precourse: Only for 73809: Biophysics: Cellular Biophysics (Vorleistung)


For module "73809 Biophysics: Cellular Biophysics" two parts are required.
Part I: PHYS5138.0 Cellular Biophysics
Part II: PHYS5148.0 Biophysics Lab II


PHYS5148.0 Biophysics Lab / Biophysikpraktikum
Lecturer: Prof. Jens Michaelis
Course type: Lab (2 hours/week)
Cycle: Each summer semester
Language: English
Module 72233 Biophysics: Gene Expression / Biophysik: Genexpression
73809 Biophysics: Cellular Biophysics / Biophysik: Zelluläre Biophysik
72234 Biophysics: Molecular Motors / Biophysik: Molekulare Motoren
Credits: 6
Examination: Lab reports
Precourse: no


For module "73809 Biophysics: Cellular Biophysics" two parts are required:
Part I: PHYS5138.0 Cellular Biophysics
Part II: PHYS5148.0 Biophysics Lab II

For module "72233 Biophysics: Gene Expression" two parts are required:
Part I: PHYS5118.0 Gene Expression
Part II: PHYS5148.0 Biophysics Lab II
For module "73809 Biophysics: Molecular Motors" two parts are required:
Part I: PHYS5128.0 Molecular Motors
Part II: PHYS5148.0 Biophysics Lab II

PHYS5227.0 Biophotonics / Biophotonik
Lecturer: Prof. Alwin Kienle
Course type: Lecture (3 hours/week), exercise (1 hour/week), lab (2 hours/week)
Cycle: Each summer semester
Language: English
Module 71502 Biophotonics / Biophotonik
Credits: 6 CP
Exam form: oral, 12102 Biophotonik
Precourse: yes, 12112 Biophotonik (Vorleistung)

Condensed Matter Physics and Nanosciences

PHYS5278.2 Condensed Matter Theory A: Quantum Mechanics on Macroscopic Scales
Lecturer: Dr. Björn Kubala, Dr. Ciprian Padurariu
Course type: lecture with exercise (5 hours/week)
Cycle: irregularly
Language: English
Module 76067 Condensed Matter Theory A: Quantum Mechanics on Macroscopic Scales
Credits:  6 CP

written or oral, more information in the module description,
16067 Condensed Matter Theory A: Quantum Mechanics on Macroscopic Scales

Precourse: yes, 16567 Condensed Matter Theory A: Quantum Mechanics on Macroscopic Scales

PHYS5327.0 Structure Physics
Lecturer: Prof. Ute Kaiser
Cycle: Irregular
Language: English
Module: 72502 Struture Physics / Strukturphysik
Credits: 6
Exam form: Project and oral exam, 13685 Structure Physics
Precourse: yes, 13686 Structure Physics (Vorleistung)
Remark:  seminar: weekly
lab: at the end of the course

PHYS5347.0 Application NMR/MRI
Lecturer: Prof. Volker Rasche, Dr. Raiker Witter
Cycle: Summer Semester
Language: English
Module: 77004 Application NMR/MRI
Credits: 6
Exam form: written or oral, 17004 Application NMR/MRI
Precourse: yes, 17504 Application NMR/MRI
Remark:  announcement (2021)

PHYS6057.0 Wave and Particle Optics
Lecturer: Prof. Harald Rose
Cycle: Irregularly
Language: English
Module: 74609 Wave and particle optics/Wellen- und Teilchenoptik
Credits: 3
Examination: written
Remark:  block lecture with lab


PHYS5427.0 Econophysics: Non-Equilibrium Statistics /
Ökonophysik: Nichtgleichgewichtsstatistik
Lecturer: PD Dr. Jürgen Stockburger
Course type: lecture with exercises (5 hours/week)
Cycle: summer semester 2023, winter semester 2024/25
Language: English
Module 71778 Econophysics: Non-Equilibrium Statistics /
Credits: 6 CP
Examination: written, 12074 Nichtgleichgewichtsstatistik
Precourse: yes, 12075 Nichtgleichgewichtsstatistik (Vorleistung)

PHYS6647.0 Kontrolltheorie und thermodynamische Konzepte für
makroökonomische Systeme
Lecturer: Prof. Michael Schulz
Course type: Block course
Cycle: each summer semester
Language: Deutsch
Module 73847 Physik Komplexer Systeme 3 CP
71250 Spezielle Themen zu komplexen Systemen  (2 CP)
Credits: Ungraded course: 2 CP
With graded exam: 3 CP
Examination: oral, 12481 Physik Komplexer Systeme
Precourse: no
Remark: Announcement

Plasma Physics

PHYS5508.0 Plasma Physics: Applications / Plasmaphysik: Anwendungen
Lecturer: Dr. Tim Happel
Cycle: each summer semester
Language: English
Module: 71064 Plasma Physics: Applications / Plasmaphysik: Anwendungen
Credits: 6
Exam form: oral
Precourse: yes

PHYS5518.0 Plasma Physics Labs / Plasmaphysikpraktikum
Lecturer: Dr. Tim Happel
Cycle: each summer semester
Language: English
Module: 74086 Plasma Physics Lab / Plasmaphysikpraktikum
Credits: 2
Exam form: Lab reports
Precourse: no

Quantum Information and Quantum Technologies

PHYS5618.0 Experimental Quantum Optics
Lecturer: Prof. Alexander Kubanek
Course type: lecture (4 hours/week), seminar (1 hours/week)
Cycle: each summer semester
Language: English
Module 72190 Experimental Quantum Optics
Credits: 6 CP
Examination: written or oral, 13078 Experimentelle Quantenoptik
Exam prerequisite: yes, 13079 Experimentelle Quantenoptik (Vorleistung)
Remark: announcement

PHYS5617.0 Theoretical Quantum Optics / Theoretische Quantenoptik
Lecturer: Dr. Jaemin Lim, Prof. Martin Plenio
Course type: lecture with exercise (5 hours/week)
Cycle: each summer semester
Language: English
Module 71420 Theoretical Quantum Optics
Credits: 6 CP
Examination: oral
Exam prerequisite: yes
Remark: announcement

PHYS5257.0 Ultracold Quantum Gases / Ultrakalte Quantengase
Lecturer: Prof. Johannes Hecker Denschlag
Course type: Lecture with exercise (5 hours/week)
Cycle: each summer semester
Language: English
Module 71504 Ultracold Quantum Gases / Ultrakalte Quantengase
Credits: 6 CP
Examination: oral
Exam prerequisite: yes
Remark: announcement

PHYS6037.0 Introduction to Quantum Electronics / Einführung in die Quantenelektronik
Lecturer: Dr. Petr Siyushev
Cycle: Each summer semester
Language: English
Module 74198 Introduction to Quantum Electronics
Credits: 3
Exam form: oral
Exam prerequisite: no
Remark: announcement