Guidelines "Good Scientific Practice"
The plenum of the Conference of Physics Departments (Konferenz der Fachbereiche Physik - KFP) adopted a recommendation on gEmpfehlung zu guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis / Good Scientific Practice for qualification theses Bbachelor's theses, Master's theses, dissertations, postdoctoral theses) on May 18, 2016 (
This recommendation is based on the joint position paper of the General Faculty Council, the Council of Faculties and the German University Association and focuses on the interests of the subject of physics. The guidelines of the German Research Foundation and the recommendation of the German Rectors' Conference were also taken into account.
Dr. Maria-Verena Kohnle
Physics Academic Affairs Commitee
Albert-Einstein-Allee 11
89081 Ulm
Phone: 0731/50-23032
Office: N25/3106

Guidelines "Final Theses" |
Guidelines "Professional Internship" |
Guidelines "Allocation of examination credits" |
Guidelines "Good Scientific Praxis" |
Guidelines " Parallel studies Physics/Wirtschaftsphysik M.Sc." |