Physics M.Sc.

In this two-year Master's programme, you will deepen your knowledge in the research fields of the Department of Physics (biophysics, soft matter, condensed matter, nanosciences, quantum information, quantum technologies). Through a variety of elective modules and special courses, you can shape your studies according to your personal preferences. You have to complete a total of 120 credit points (LP) and at the end of your studies you have to complete a Master's thesis (30 LP) in which you can use your creativity and knowledge to address a relevant topic.

Dr. Maria-Verena Kohnle
Physics Academic Affairs Commitee
Albert-Einstein-Allee 11
89081 Ulm
Phone: 0731/50-23032
Office: N25/3106

Study plans

An overview of the Physics M. Sc. curriculum in tabular form:

Study Content Physics M.Sc.

Complete module description on the Higher Education Portal:

Module Handbook


More detailed information on the legal framework of the study programme can be found under the following links:

Subject-specific study and examination regulations (FSPO, 2019)

General framework regulation (2017)

Baden-Württemberg Higher Education Act (LHG)

Exam Organisation

In the following pages you will find helpful information on the examination procedure:

Forms from the Studiensekretariat

Guidelines  for the exam procedures in the Higher education portal

To take an examination and obtain the corresponding credit points, students must register via the Higher Education portal

Exam registrations for written exams have to be made at the latest five days before the exam date (e.g. exam date 21 February, last possible registration: 16 February). Late registrations are not possible.

  • If you fail to appear at an examination date and have not revoked your registration, you will be deemed to have failed the examination.
  • If you fall ill in the four days between registration and the examination date and cannot take part in the examination, you should obtain a medical certificate stating the illness. The medical certificate, together with the appropriate form from Studiensekretariat, must be sent to the Studiensekretariat as soon as possible.

Please see FAQs

  • Examinations that have been passed cannot be repeated.
  • You can repeat all failed exams twice.

The study plan gives a recommendation on the order in which you should complete the modules. The first two semesters are for the lectures, practicals and seminars and the last two for the one-year research phase with Master's thesis.

Deadlines: the Master's programme must be completed by the end of the 6th semester.

The study programme is divided into several areas, the scope and content of which may depend on whether admission to the Master's programme in Physics is based on a Physics or Industrial Physics Bachelor's degree:

Advanced Physics Lab (8 CP)
Advanced Physics Seminar (4 CP)

Students choose grade-assessed modules from one of the specialization areas:

  • Biophysics and soft matter
  • Condensed matter and nanosciences 
  • Econophysics
  • Plasma physics
  • Quantum science and quantum technologies

Modules from the Specialization Area (B) as well as well as other graded modules from the Physics Department. 

Upon application, students can complete a research internship (optional) at a suitable external research institution in Germany or abroad. In addition, modules from areas B and C as well as modules from the Master's degree programmes of the University of Ulm can be selected.

Compulsory module for admission on the basis of a bachelor's degree in Econophysics/Teaching:
Solid State Physics (6 CP)

Additive key qualifications and selected Bachelor modules from other subjects as well as modules from areas B, C and D.

Students whose German language skills do not at least correspond to the DSH-1 qualification level should complete at least one German language course in this examination area.

Compulsory module for admission on the basis of a bachelor's degree in physics of Econophysics/Teaching:
Project internship (6 CP)

The second year of study takes place in one of the physics institutes, an institution affiliated to the Department of Physics or externally. It consists of the two modules Knowledge of Methods and Project Planning I and II, which serve to learn basic competences in conducting scientific research projects and accompany the preparation of the Master's thesis. Both modules are examined in the form of an oral mid-exam or final report in the working group seminar.

For more information on the final thesis, please check the respective Guidelines "Final Theses" page.