Live Cell Imaging

Idea: In this lab course cellular structures and dynamic processes in living cells
are studied by fast confocal fluorescence microscopy

Biophysics Lab Course, Institute of Biophysics, Ulm University


Spinning-disk confocal microscopy is applied  using different fluorescence tagging strategies.

The actin cytoskeleton of fixed HeLa cells is stained by rhodamine phalloidin, which acts like a highly specific fluorescent antibody.

Intracellular calcium signals following receptor stimulation are studied using Fluo4, a cell permeant calcium indicator dye.

Dynamics in the mitochondrial network is studied using mt-Eos, a photoactivatable protein which carries a mitochondrial targeting signal.

Master of Science in Biophysics

Contact: Prof. Dr. Jens MichaelisDr. Carlheinz Röcker, Institute of Biophysics