Biophysics M.Sc.

In this two-year Master's programme, you will receive a comprehensive training in modern biophysics, and you will be prepared for the interdisciplinary nature of modern life sciences. Through a variety of elective modules and special courses, you can shape your studies according to your personal inclinations. You will be required to complete a total of 120 credit points (LP) and, at the end of your studies, a master's thesis (30 LP) in which you will be able to apply your creativity and knowledge in solving a current problem.

Gloria Gessinger

Study Coordinator M. Sc. Biophysics
& M. Sc. Quantum Engineering
Academic affairs committee Physik
Albert-Einstein-Allee 11
89081 Ulm
Phone: 0731-50-22292
Room: N25/3101

Prof. Dr. Christof Gebhardt

Chairman examination board Biophysics
Institute of Biophysics
Albert-Einstein-Allee 11
89081 Ulm
Phone: 0731 50-23364
Room: N25/3211

Study plans

Biophysics M.Sc. Study plan FSPO 2024

The study plan gives a recommendation on the order in which you should complete the modules. The first two semesters are for the lectures, practicals and seminars and the last two for the one-year research phase with two research projects and the Master's thesis.

Deadlines: the Master's programme must be completed by the end of the 7th semester. By the end of the third semester you must have at least 45 ECTS.

You would like to read about the content of a module? Please navigate to the respective module or module handbook on Campusonline.

Archived modul handbook (August 2024)

Exam organization

FAQ Exams and Modules

Forms (z.B. exmatriculation, admission to final thesis, inability to take examinations, recognition of study and examination achievements...)

To earn credit points for a course students need to register for the exam on campusonline.

If your examiner/examination is not visible in the campusonline portal, please send an e-mail immediately to with a request to register for the examination and contact your coordinator.

Summary PDF for exam registration. Please read carefully. Not legally binding (2024).

FAQ Exams and Modules


1. oral examinations:

  • can only be cancelled during the semester by sending an email to the Studiensekretariat.
  • If the examination is not taken during the semester in which it was registered, the examination is deemed to have been failed.

Therefore: Please cancel all exams that you will not be taking during the semester by the end of September/end of March.

If you want to register for an exam outside of your curriculum you need to fill out an Application for module assignment.

Study contents

Adaptiation and Specialization FSPO 2024

Select adaptation modules to fill potential knowledge gaps. Most student lack introductory biophysics. Many students from live sciences lack higher maths and practical physics skills. Chose accordingly. When in doubt, please see your coordinator.

Important: The adaptation area does not count towards your final grade.

Select courses according to your undergraduate strengths. If you would like to add a course to your curriculum please use the Request for Module assignemet.

Biophysics Courses

Biophysics lab courses

Detailed information on all experiments can be found here:


MSc. Biophysics FSPO 2024, MSc. Biochemistry FSPO 2022:

Biophysics Lab - A: appx. 8 experiments and final exam (graded)
Biophysics Lab - B: appx. 6 experiments (ungraded)

Please see module handbook for more information.