Bachelor's Programmes
The Department of Physics offers the following Bachelor's programmes (in German):
Physik B.Sc. (FSPO 2019)
Wirtschaftsphysik B.Sc. (FSPO 2019)
Physics Teacher Education with the following subject combinations
- Mathematik/Physik
- Informatik/Physik
- NWT/Physik

Master's Programmes
The Department of Physics offers the following Master's programmes with a focus on physics:
Physics Teacher Education with the subjects combinations
- Mathematik/Physik
- Informatik/Physik
- NWT/Physik

Dr. Maria-Verena Kohnle
Physics Academic Affairs Commitee
Albert-Einstein-Allee 11
89081 Ulm
Phone: 0731/50-23032
Office: N25/3106