FAQ Theses

Master Thesis FAQs

Program specific FAQs

Biology Biochemistry IBT PBT

General FAQs on the Master's thesis and completion of studies (Biology, Biochemistry & PBT)

No. The Master's thesis must always be registered with the application for admission to the Master's thesis at the Office of Student Affairs at the University of Ulm.

No. As long as the institution where the master thesis is carried out does not require a non-disclosure agreement, it is not necessary to arrange one.

Please check with your supervising institution, or the supervised company, if you are doing an external master thesis.

The non-disclosure agreement should be read carefully and all clauses reviewed. The Department I-1 of Ulm University can help with this.

No. The reviewers receive the copies that are handed in at the Office of Student Affairs. The electronic copy is only stored in the student file.

Yes, with the approval of the first examiner, the title can be changed at the Office of Student Affairs at Ulm University, if the topic is not too far away from the registered topic.

The topic of the master's thesis can only be changed within the first month after registration.

The two printed copies of the Master's thesis must be handed in at the Office of Student Affairs/of the Registrar. It is not permissible to hand in the thesis directly to the reviewers.

There is a mailbox in front of the Office of Student Affairs/of the Registrar in which the copies of the Master's thesis can also be deposited outside the opening hours.

At the moment, theses can also be handed in by mail (University of Ulm, Dept. II-2 Office of Student Affairs/of the Registrar, Albert-Einstein-Allee 11, 89081 Ulm; see also information of the Office of Student Affairs/of the Registrar).

The electronic copy must be submitted in PDF format by e-mail. If the file is too large to be sent by e-mail, it can be uploaded under this link (destination address: studiensekretariat@uni-ulm.de).

The bound theses will be sent immediately to the first and possibly second reviewer by the Office of Student Affairs/of the Registrar.

When registering the Master's thesis at the Office of Student Affairs, the student himself/herself determines who is the first and who is the second examiner (the first examiner corresponds to the 1st examiner and the second examiner to the 2nd examiner).

In the Master Pharmaceutical Biotechnology and in the Master Biology the internal examiner is usually the first examiner.

PO 2016:
If the submission falls at the beginning of a semester, there are two possibilities:

  1. if you do not re-register for the new semester and hand in the master thesis within a period of 1 month after the start of lectures, the newly started semester does not count in the number of subject semesters.
  2. if you have re-registered for the new semester, the newly started semester counts in the number of semesters, even if you hand in the thesis on the 1st day of the newly started semester.

Special case: if the new semester would be the 7th subject semester, the colloquium must also have been completed within a period of 1 month after the start of lectures (see §6 PO 2016).

PO 2020:
If the submission falls at the beginning of a semester, there are two possibilities:

  1. if you do not re-register for the new semester and complete the colloquium within a period of 1 month after the start of lectures, the newly started semester does not count in the number of semesters.
  2. if you have re-registered for the new semester, the newly started semester counts in the number of semesters, even if the colloquium takes place on the first day of the newly started semester.

Yes, you must be enrolled to submit your Master's thesis. The only exception is if you hand it in at the start of a new semester (see “What happens if I finish my Master's thesis at the beginning of the semester?”).

No, withdrawal only takes place at the end of the semester.

Earlier withdrawal must be applied for at the Student Administration Office (see also here).

FAQs Biology M. Sc.

At least 60 credit points must be earned from the modules listed in the FSPO and the “Methods course” must be passed (FSPO 2017 § 22 (3) & FSPO 2022 § 8 (3))

FSPO 2017: Students must register for the Master's thesis no later than two months after successfully completing the module “Spezielle Methoden für Fortgeschrittene” (FSPO 2017 § 22 (4)).

FSPO 2022: The application for admission to the Master's thesis must be submitted to the Student Administration Office no later than 1 month after the start of the thesis (ASPO 2022 § 18 (3)).

FAQs Biochemistry M. Sc.

At least 60 credit points must be earned from the modules listed in the FSPO and the “Methods course” must be passed (FSPO 2017 § 14 (3) & FSPO 2022 § 8 (3))

FSPO 2017: Students must register for the Master's thesis no later than two months after successfully completing the module "Fortgeschrittenenpraktikum Biochemie" (FSPO 2017 § 14 (6)).

FSPO 2022: The application for admission to the Master's thesis must be submitted to the Student Administration Office no later than 1 month after the start of the thesis (Rahmenordnung - ASPO 2022 § 18 (3)).

FAQs Pharmaceutical Biotechnology (PBT) M.Sc.

No. The Master's thesis only has to be registered with the application for admission to the master thesis at the Office of Student Affairs at Ulm University.

The application for admission to the Master's thesis must be submitted to the Student Administration Office no later than 1 month after the start of the thesis (ASPO 2022 § 18 (3)).

The Master's thesis is considered external if the official supervisor of the master's thesis is not an appointed examiner in the corresponding degree program.

You can use this template for the title page.

There are no further requirements for writing the Master's thesis. Please discuss format, length, etc. with your reviewers.

