External Master's theses can be written, for example, in research-based companies, at institutes of other departments or faculties of the University of Ulm, at non-university research institutions or at institutes of other universities.
Master's theses in the M. Sc. Biology program are "external" if they are not officially supervised by a person who is appointed as an examiner in the above-mentioned degree programs and who is allowed to prepare the expert opinion. Appointed examiners are, in addition to the professors and post-doctoral lecturers of the Department of Biology, all post-doctoral lecturers (also from other subjects) who are regularly involved in teaching in the degree programs with an effort of at least 1 SWS in compulsory or elective courses.
If you want to do an external Master's thesis, you have to get it approved by the Biology Examination Committee in due time (at least two weeks) before starting the thesis. To do so, please submit an (informal) application to the Biology Examination Committee, including your full sender (address), and addressed to the chairperson(s) of the Examination Committee.
The application must contain a short description of the planned master thesis. It must indicate where the work is to be carried out and who is responsible for supervision there. As a rule, this person must be a habilitated professor. Furthermore, it must be clear from the application which methods will be used.
The brief description of the project can also be prepared as a separate letter by the potential supervisor and attached to the application. External work must always be reviewed by an examiner from biology in the sense mentioned above. You should already indicate in the application whom you could win as a reviewer.
Please send the application by email to the Examination Committee Biology.
Your application will then be reviewed by the Examination Committee (PA) and you will be informed of the decision made as soon as possible.
The following criteria are important for the PA's decision:
- adequate supervision must be ensured,
- the subject must be biologically oriented,
- the range of methods must also be biological and appropriate to a scientific thesis;
- Topics that could also be carried out at institutes of the University of Ulm in a very similar way should not be prepared externally; if necessary, cooperations or the like can be sought here.
Application for external theses for students in the subject Biology
The following professors are involved in teaching biology (list not complete):
All professors in the departments of Biology, Chemistry, Biophysics, Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, and additional:
- Institute for Experimental Physics: Prof. Dr. Marti
- Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: Prof. Dr. Kühl
- Institute for Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology, Toxicology and Naturopathy: Prof. Dr. Barth, Prof. Dr. Syrovets, Prof. Dr. Möpps, Prof. Dr. Panagiotis Papatheodorou
- Institute of Physiological Chemistry: Prof. Dr. Wirth
- Institute of Human Genetics: Prof. Dr. Siebert, Prof. Dr. Ammerpohl, Prof. Kehrer-Sawatzki
- Institute of Molecular Virology: Prof. Dr. Kirchhoff, Prof. Dr. Münch, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Sparrer
- Institute of Virology: apl Prof. Dr. von Einem, Prof. Dr. Sinzger, Prof. Dr. Stamminger
- Clinic for Internal Medicine 1: apl. Prof. Dr. Oswald, apl. Prof. Dr. Schirmbeck
- Department of Neurology: Prof. Dr. Steinacker
Information for students on the preparation of external theses
Model contract
Master's theses in the Biochemistry MSc program are "external" if they are not done in institutes of the Department of Chemistry, Biology and Biophysics and not with certain associated lecturers (professors and private lecturers) who are substantially involved in the teaching of biochemistry (for a list of these institutes, as well as further notes on this, see below).
If you want to do an external master thesis, you have to get the approval of the examination board Biochemistry in time before starting the thesis. The examination board decides on available applications in two meetings per year, usually one meeting takes place in May, the other in November. For the May meeting, applications must be submitted to the Examination Committee Biochemistry by 04/30, for the November meeting by 10/31. Please take this into account in your planning. Please also plan for the fact that your application may be rejected.
To apply, please submit the following three documents:
- The filled out Application form for external Master thesis
- Project description prepared by the external supervisor (informal, 0.5 - 1 page)
- The filled out Declaration of the supervisor that he provides an assessment of the student
For external papers you need two reviewers, both reviewers must be appointed examiners, one reviewer must be from institutes of the Department of Chemistry, Biology or Biophysics. Please also include the names of both reviewers in the application (you must obtain their consent before doing so). Please send the application by email toMrs Theilacker.
Your application will then be reviewed by the Examination Board in a meeting and you will be informed of the decision made as soon as possible. The review board meetings for external work requests are held twice a year, usually in May and November. Please keep this in mind when making your plans, please also be prepared for the possibility that your application may be rejected.
The following criteria are important for the decision of the review committee:
- Topics that could also be carried out at institutes of the University of Ulm in a very similar way should not be done externally, if necessary, one can then also strive for cooperation here. Please also note the offers of the internal working groups of the University of Ulm, which are linked here,
- adequate supervision must be ensured,
- it must be a biochemical issue,
- different methods should be used in the work and mainly biochemical methods should be used.
Important information for external final theses at companies (with non-disclosure agreement) you will find here. With an example of an agreement.
Wann müssen Sie einen Antrag stellen:
- You do not need to apply if you do your work at one of the following institutes (institutes of internal supervisors/reviewers):
- Institutes of the Department of Chemistry,
- Biology and
- Biophysics and
- at Prof. Dr. Gottschalk.
- You do not need to apply if you are working with associated professors/private lecturers (list not complete, please ask Ms. Theilacker if necessary). Please note that if you are working with associated professors or private lecturers, the second reviewer must be from an institute of the Department of Chemistry, Biology or Biophysics.
- Central Facility Electron Microscopy: Prof. Dr. Walther
- Institute for Quantum Physics: Prof. Dr. Freyberger
- Institute of Naturopathy and Clinical Pharmacology: Prof. Dr. Syrovets
- Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology: Prof. Dr. Barth, Prof. Dr. Möpps
- Institute of Virology: Jun. Prof. Dr. von Einem
- Internal Medicine I: Prof. Dr. Oswald
- An application for external master's thesis must be submitted if the master's thesis is to be carried out at
Master theses in the M.Sc. Industrial Biotechnology program are "external" if they are not officially supervised by a person who is appointed as an examiner in the M.Sc. Industrial Biotechnology program.
A list of possible internal examiners can be found at the bottom of this page.
If you want to do an external master thesis, you have to get it approved by the Examination Board Industrial Biotechnology in time before starting the thesis. Please take into account in your planning that the examination board usually only decides once per semester on available applications. Please also plan for the fact that your application may be rejected.
For approval, please submit an application to the Industrial Biotechnology Examination Committee. The application must contain a short description of the planned master thesis. It must state where the work is to be carried out and who is responsible for supervision there*. Furthermore, the description must indicate which methods will be used. External work must always be examined by an examiner in the sense mentioned above. You should already indicate in the application whom you could win as an examiner. Furthermore, please submit the signed form "Information for students on the preparation of external theses" together with the application.
Please submit the application to Dr. Eigenstetter, the program coordinator at Biberach University (House PBT, Room P3.04) or to Mrs Dr. John, the study program coordinator at Ulm University (M24 / 574).
Your application will then be reviewed by the Examination Committee and you will be informed of the decision taken as soon as possible.
The following criteria are important for the decision of the examination board:
- adequate supervision must be ensured,
- the topic must be oriented towards the subject of the curriculum,
- the range of methods must also be oriented to the subject orientation of the curriculum and be appropriate for a scientific thesis;
- Topics that could also be carried out in a very similar way at institutes of the University of Ulm or the Biberach University of Applied Sciences should not be prepared externally; if necessary, cooperations or similar can be sought here.
*: In addition to a Master's degree, the external supervisor should have at least 3 years of professional experience before the supervision of the Master's thesis begins.
The following persons are possible as internal examiners of the master thesis (this list may not be complete, please ask Dr. Eigenstetter or Dr. John if necessary):
Biberach University of Applied Sciences, Institute for Applied Biotechnology:
- Prof. Dr. Carsten Schips
- Prof. Dr. Sybille Ebert
- Prof. Dr. Heike Frühwirth
- Prof. Dr. Hartmut Grammel
- Prof. Dr. Friedemann Hesse
- Prof. Dr. Hans Kiefer
- Prof. Dr. Jürgen Hannemann
- Prof. Dr. Katharina Zimmermann
- Prof. Dr. Chrystelle Mavoungou
- Prof. Dr. Oliver Hädicke
- Prof. Dr. Kerstin Otte
- Prof. Dr. Annette Schafmeister
- Prof. Dr. Sabine Gaisser
- Prof. Dr. Bernd Burghardt
- Prof. Dr. Ute Traub
- Dr. René Handrick
- Dr. Gerhard Eigenstetter
- Dr. Sabine Arnold
- Dr. Barbara Bottenbruch
- Dr. Francoise Chamouleau
- Dr. Jens Geier
- Dr. Anna Gilles
- Dr. Kinga Gerber
Ulm University, Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology:
- Prof. Dr. Bernhard Eikmanns
- Prof. Dr. Peter Dürre
- Dr. Frank Bengelsdorf
- PD Dr. Christian Riedel
Ulm University, Institute for Pharmaceutical Biotechnology:
- Prof. Dr. Dierk Niessing
- Dr. Frank Rosenau
- Dr. Thomas Monecke
Ulm University, Institute of Animal Molecular Endocrinology:
Ulm University, Institute for Experimental Physics:
Master theses and / or advanced internships in the M.Sc. Pharmaceutical Biotechnology program are "external" if they are not officially supervised by a person appointed as an examiner in the M.Sc. Pharmaceutical Biotechnology program.
A list of possible internal examiners can be found at the bottom of this page.
If you want to do an external master thesis and / or an external advanced internship, you have to get it / them approved by the Examination Board Pharmaceutical Biotechnology in time before starting the thesis. Please submit your application at least 2 months before the start of the external master thesis and / or external advanced internship. Please also plan for the fact that your application may be rejected.
For approval, please submit an application (FSPO 2016 / FSPO 2020) (preferably in digital form) to the Examination Committee Pharmaceutical Biotechnology. The application must include a brief description of the planned master's thesis and / or advanced internship. This must indicate where the thesis and / or the internship is to be carried out and who is responsible for supervision there*. Furthermore, the description must indicate which methods will be used. External work and advanced internships must always be reviewed by an internal examiner. You should already indicate in the application whom you could win as an internal examiner. Furthermore, please submit the signed form "Information for students on the preparation of external theses" together with the application.
Please hand in the application to Ms. Annetraut Scheiffele (secretary's office of the Institute of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology; room N27 2.076).
Your application will then be reviewed by the Examination Committee and you will be informed of the decision taken as soon as possible.
The following criteria are important for the decision of the examination board:
- adequate supervision must be ensured
- the topic must be oriented towards the subject of the curriculum
- the range of methods must also be oriented to the subject orientation of the curriculum and must be appropriate for a scientific final thesis
- Topics that could also be carried out at institutes of the University of Ulm or the Biberach University of Applied Sciences in a very similar way should not be prepared externally, if necessary, cooperations or the like can be striven for here
*: In addition to a Master's degree, the external supervisor should have at least 3 years of professional experience before the supervision of the Master's thesis begins.
The following persons are possible as internal/examiners for the master thesis and / or the advanced internship (this list may not be complete, please check with Dr. John if necessary):
Biberach University of Applied Sciences, Institute for Applied Biotechnology:
- Prof. Dr. Chrystelle Mavoungou
- Prof. Dr. Sybille Ebert
- Prof. Dr. Friedemann Hesse
- Prof. Dr. Hans Kiefer
- Prof. Dr. Jürgen Hannemann
- Prof. Dr. Katharina Zimmermann
- Prof. Dr. Bernd Burghardt
- Prof. Dr. Kerstin Otte
- Prof. Dr. Sabine Gaisser
- Prof. Dr. Ute Traub
- Dr. René Handrick
- Prof. Dr. Oliver Hädicke
Ulm University, Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology:
- Prof. Dr. Bernhard Eikmanns
- Prof. Dr. Peter Dürre
- PD Dr. Christian Riedel
Ulm University, Institute for Pharmaceutical Biotechnology:
- Prof. Dr. Dierk Niessing
- Dr. Frank Rosenau
- Dr. Thomas Monecke
Ulm University, Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology (Ulm University Hospital):
- Prof. Dr. Barbara Möpps
- Prof. Dr. Holger Barth
Ulm University, General and Visceral Surgery (Ulm University Hospital):
- Prof. Dr. Uwe Knippschild
- PD Dr. rer. nat. Joachim Bischof
- Dr. med. Pengfei Xu
Ulm University, Institute of Virology (Ulm University Hospital):
- Jun.Prof. Dr. Jens von Einem
Ulm University, Department of Internal Medicine I (Ulm University Hospital):