
Thesis: Bachelor & Master

The final thesis is one of the last sections of the degree program. For information on registration deadlines, please refer to your corresponding examination regulations, linked on the page Exams

The thesis must always be registered in the Student Administration Office (exception: Master IBT). Please use the corresponding forms for this purpose:

Request for admission to the Bachelor thesis

Request for admission to the Master thesis

With the registration of a thesis, the student bindingly determines the title, start and submission of his/her thesis. The period of practical and written work until submission comprises six months. Each registered thesis is counted as an attempt. Without submission, final papers may be repeated once.

Further necessary information and forms from the examination boards of the biological sciences can be found on this page. If you are still missing something, please feel free to contact the appropriate contact person listed opposite.

External Bachelor thesis

External Master's thesis

Extension of the thesis

Upon justified request, the Bachelor's or Master's thesis can be extended (see § 16c (7) of the framework regulations of UUlm).

A Bachelor's thesis can be extended by max. 2 weeks, a Master's thesis by max. 4 weeks (exception Master IBT: here an extension of the Master's thesis is limited to max. 2 months).

Please refer to the tab of your study program for the respective information on how to apply.

"Methods course"

In the bachelor's and master's degree courses in biology and biochemistry, there is a so-called "methods course" before the thesis. This is carried out by the supervisor with whom the thesis is being carried out and, among other things, topic-specific working methods that are required for the respective thesis are learned.

After successful completion, the supervisor enters the relevant proof of achievement in the university portal. Independent registration is not possible.
Please note that in the case of internships carried out externally, the internal supervisor must record the proof of achievement.

The "methods course" must be completed so that the thesis can be registered.

For students in the PO 2017, after passing the "methods course", a period begins to register the thesis in the study secretariat (in the bachelor: 2 weeks, in the master: 2 months).

Finally, you will find an overview of how the "methods course" is called in the individual courses and how many CP it includes:

StudiengangPO 2017PO 2022
Bachelor BiochemieMethoden der Biochemie (9 LP)Methoden der Biochemie (10 LP)
Additionally: Seminar zur Bachelorarbeit (1 LP)*
Bachelor BiologieMethoden der Biologie (10 LP)Methoden der Biologie (10 LP)
Master BiochemieFortgeschrittenenpraktikum Biochemie (10 LP)Fortgeschrittene Methoden der Biochemie (9 LP)
Master Biologie
Spezielle Methoden für Forgeschrittene (10 LP)Advanced Methods in Biology (Advanced practical Course) (10 LP)
Additionally: Advanced Methods in Biology (Seminar) (2 LP)*

 *: corresponds to regular participation in the working group seminar. In the Bachelor of Biochemistry, the supervisor registers the corresponding proof of achievement in the university portal. Independent registration is not possible. In the Master of Biology, please register yourself. The final thesis can also be registered if the seminar has not yet been completed.


  • Rainer Pfaff
  • Location: M24/573
  • Phone: +49-(0)731-50 23 93 1
  • Fax: +49-(0)731-50 23 93 2
  • Office hours:
  • Mon. 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
    Wed. 9 - 11 a.m. & 1 - 3 p.m.
    Fri. 9 - 11 a.m.
  • Please send enquiries by email to sekretariat.biologie(at)


  • Dr. Lena John
  • Location: M24/574
  • Phone: +49-(0)731-50 22 38 4
  • Consultation hours by arrangement*

*: Please arrange an appointment via sekretariat.biologie(at)


  • Prof. Dr. Christian Riedel
  • Location: M23/2412
  • Phone: +49-(0)731-50 24 85 3
  • Fax: +49-(0)731-50 22 71 9
  • Office hours by arrangement


  • Dr. Lena John
  • Location: M24/574
  • Phone: +49-(0)731-50 22 38 4
  • Consultation hours by arrangement*

*: Please arrange an appointment via sekretariat.biologie(at)