Study Abroad at Ulm University: Biology and Biochemistry

Courses in the Master

Please refer to the module descriptions in the campus online portal for information on the content of the courses listed below.

Regularly offered courses in the winter semester (October - February)

CourseNumber in the campus online portalType of courseLanguageBiochemistryBiology
Protein biochemistry and structural biology  (Lecture)BIO.78017.001LectureENx 
Protein biochemistry (Seminar)BIO.78008.001SeminarENx 
Protein biochemistry (Advanced practical course)BIO.78008.002practical courseENx 
Structural biology (Seminar)BIO.78017.003SeminarENx 
Structural biology (Advanced practical course)BIO.78017.002practical courseENx 
Pharmakologie für Naturwissenschaftler IIBIO.76596.001LectureGERxx
Molekulare HumangenetikBIO.71596.001LectureGER x
Adaptation and diversity in tropical ecosystems  (Lecture)BIO.78021.001LectureEN x
Adaptation and diversity in tropical ecosystems  (Seminar)BIO.78021.002SeminarEN x
Adaptation and diversity in tropical ecosystems (Advanced practical course)BIO.78021.003practical courseEN x
Applied Molecular Ecology and Evolution  (Lecture)BIO.78009.001LectureEN x
Applied Molecular Ecology and Evolution  (Seminar)BIO.78009.002SeminarEN x
Applied Molecular Ecology and Evolution (Advanced practical course)BIO.78009.003practical courseEN x
Conservation Genomics (Lecture)BIO.78010.001LectureEN x
Conservation Genomics  (Seminar)BIO.78010.002SeminarEN x
Conservation Genomics (Advanced practical course)BIO.78010.003practical courseEN x
Stress Response & ResilienceBIO.76603.001LectureENxx
Virology II (part 1)BIO.76590.001Lecture/SeminarENxx
Molecular Biology and BiotechnologyBIO.78022.003LectureENxx

Regularly offered courses in the summer semester (April - July/August)

CourseNumber in the campus online portalType of CourseLanguageBiochemistryBiology
Cell Biology & Genetics (Lecture)BIO.78023.001LectureENxx
Cell Biology & Genetics (Advanced Practical Course)BIO.78023.003practical courseENxx
Cell Biology & Genetics (Seminar)BIO.78023.002SeminarENxx
Virology II (part 2)BIO.76590.002Lecture/SeminarENxx
Advanced Microbiology (Lecture)BIO.78007.001LectureENxx
Advanced Microbiology (Seminar)BIO.78007.002SeminarENxx
Advanced Microbiology (Advanced Practical Course)BIO.78007.003practical courseENxx
Career Exploration in Quality AssuranceBIO.75418.001SeminarENxx
Scientific Integrity, Data Analysis & Management BIO.78022.001LectureENxx
Biologische ChemieBIO.71328.001LectureGERx 
Philosophy of ScienceBIO.78022.002SeminarEN x
From tree biology to forest ecology (Lecture)BIO.78029.001LectureEN x
From tree biology to forest ecology (Seminar)BIO.78029.003SeminarEN x
From tree biology to forest ecology (Advanced Practical Course)BIO.78029.002practical courseEN x
Fledermauskurs BIO.0050.007Lecture/SeminarGER/EN x
Neurobiology and Behaviour (Lecture)BIO.78011.001LectureEN x
Neurobiology and Behaviour (Seminar)BIO.78011.003SeminarEN x
Neurobiology and Behaviour (Advanced Practical Course)BIO.78011.002practical courseEN x
Endocrinology (Lecture)BIO.75427.001VorlesungExx
Molecular Plant Stress Physiology (Lecture)BIO.78035.001VorlesungExx

Contacts Biology & Biochemistry

Dr. Stephanie Wittig-Blaich

  • Dr. Lena John
  • Location: M24/574
  • Phone: +49-(0)731-50 22 38 4
  • Consultation hours by arrangement*

*: Please arrange an appointment via sekretariat.biologie(at)

Lab Courses

Places in lab courses, in which students conduct their own experiments, are limited. Priority is given to students who are enrolled in full-degree studies at Ulm University. You may list lab courses on your Learning Agreements, but you should be prepared that you may not get a place in one of those courses.

Lab Safety

Students usually have to attend a safety briefing prior to the start of a lab course. In case there should be serious doubts that a student will be able to respond to instructions due to poor linguistic competence and/or academic preparation, participation in the lab may be denied in order to avoid hazards.

Please note:
  • In order to attend Master-level courses, students should have successfully completed at least 3 years of study (approx. 180 ECTS) in the field of study of the Erasmus agreement.
  • All students must meet the language and academic requirements of any given course.
  • Exceptions may be granted to students in their final Bachelor year, if the home university confirms that this mobility window is offered explicitly for students to take Master courses.