Study Abroad at Ulm University: Biology and Biochemistry

In the Biology and Biochemistry bachelor programmes, the language of instruction is usually German.

Regularly offered courses in the winter semester (October - February)

Course nameNumberType of course
Aktuelle Themen der BiochemieBIO.78000.001SeminarGERx 
Biochemie IBIO.75390.001LectureGERxx
Biochemie I (only in combination with the lecture BIO.75390.001)BIO.75390.002SeminarGERx 
(Vorlesung Biologie)
Mikrobiologie BIO.78003.002LectureGERxx
Mikrobielle BiochemieBIO.76587.001LectureGERxx
Molekulare PflanzenphysiologieBIO.77044.001LectureGERxx
Molekulare Pflanzenphysiologie - ÜbungBIO.77044.004Practical courseGERxx
Zellbiologie IBIO.76584.001LectureGERxx
Genetik und Zellbiologie IIBIO.75384.002LectureGERxx
Allgemeine BotanikBIO.75406.001LectureGER x
Allgemeine ZoologieBIO.75406.002LectureGER x
Botanische und Zoologische
BIO.75406.003Practical courseGER x
EntwicklungsbiologieBIO.70312.001LectureGER x
ÖkophysiologieBIO.0003.002LectureGER x
Neurophysiologie - ÜbungBIO.77044.005ÜbungD x
Anwendungsbeispiele der BioinformatikBIO.78018.001SeminarD x

Regularly offered courses in the summer semester (April - August)

CourseNumber in the campus online portalType of courseLanguageBiochemistryBiology
Biochemie IIBIO.72302.001Lecture/ SeminarGERxx
Zellbiologie IIBIO.0045.002LectureGERxx
Biodiversität der Pflanzen und Tiere BIO.76086.001LectureGER x
Botanische und Zoologische Bestimmungsübungen & ExkursionenBIO.76086.002ExerciseGER x
Bioethik und BiophilosophieBIO.0045.008Lecture/ SeminarGER x
Biostatistik BIO.76591.001Lecture/ ExerciseGER x
Pharmakologie und Toxikologie IBIO.73704.001LectureGERxx
Tierphysiologie - ÜbungBIO.77044.006ÜbungD x
Genetik BIO.75384.001LectureGERxx
ÖkologieBIO.75415.001LectureGER x
Grundübungen ÖkologieBIO.75415.002ExerciseGER x
HormonphysiologieBIO.75395.001LectureGER x
Gute wissenschaftliche PraxisBIO.76591.002SeminarGERxx
Human- und SoziobiologieBIO.74072.001LectureGER x

Contacts Biology & Biochemistry

Dr. Stephanie Wittig-Blaich

  • Dr. Lena John
  • Location: M24/574
  • Phone: +49-(0)731-50 22 38 4
  • Consultation hours by arrangement*

*: Please arrange an appointment via sekretariat.biologie(at)

Lab Courses

Places in lab courses, in which students conduct their own experiments, are limited. Priority is given to students who are enrolled in full-degree studies at Ulm University. You may list lab courses on your Learning Agreements, but you should be prepared that you may not get a place in one of those courses.

Lab Safety

Students usually have to attend a safety briefing prior to the start of a lab course. In case there should be serious doubts that a student will be able to respond to instructions due to poor linguistic competence and/or academic preparation, participation in the lab may be denied in order to avoid hazards.