The determination of the elemental composition of a sample is central to establishing the identity and purity of chemical compounds. The Core Facility EMMA offers the determination of the carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and sulfur content with the aim of helping to understanding the outcomes of reactions or as a final charactization step of a critical product.
Information regarding our capabilities and sample submission procedures (among other useful information) can be found below.
Other methods to consider: NMR, Mass Spectrometry
Elemental Analyzer

Elementar vario Micro cube (N26/3106)
Thermocouple Detector
- Dynamic Range (absolute content)
- C: 0.03 mg to 7 mg
- H: 0.03 mg to 0.5 mg
- N: 0.03 mg to 1.1 mg
Nondispersive Infrared Detector (NDIR)
- Dynamic Range (absolut content)
- S: 0.0005 mg to 0.6 mg
- Solid samples should be dried, pulverized and transferred to a labelled vial with cap.
10-12 mg is usually sufficient for triple determinations.
- Non-volatile fluid samples should be submitted in a labelled vial with cap.
*If your sample is air- or moisture-senstivie, please contact us ahead of time.*
Please fill out the request form below and send it to CF EMMA.
The sample(s) can be submitted outside of N26/3106 on the white shelves.
- C, H, N and S content determination of solids and non-volatile liquids.