Institute of Comparative Molecular Endocrinology and Physiology

The Institute of Comparative Molecular Endocrinology and Physiology is the only zoological institute with an endocrinological focus in Germany to investigate the hormonal control mechanisms in stress, environmental and aging-related diseases with a focus on the immune system,metabolism and bone integrity, the and modification of the function of RAS GTPases.

As part of the teaching of the Department of Biology (Natural Science Faculty) and the Faculty of Medicine, we impart basic knowledge of molecular and cell biology as well as physiology and endocrinology and introduce students to current research issues.


We proudly announce our review article about the concepts of cortisol action published in the Annals of Rheumatoid Diseases, 75 years after the Hallmark paper from Hench and Kendall that inaugurated cortisol treatment.


Eiers A-K, Vettorazzi S, Tuckermann JP. Journey through discovery of 75 years glucocorticoids: evolution of our knowledge of glucocorticoid receptor mechanisms in rheumatic diseases. Ann Rheum Dis (2024)ard-2023-225371. doi: 10.1136/ard-2023-225371

Glucocorticoids suppress inflammation via mitochondrial rewiring


We are very pleased to announce our recent cooperative nature article with the Krönke lab about glucocorticoid effects in immune metabolism, thanks to Jean-Philipp, Max, Maria, Ulrich, Eicke, Jörg, Georg, Gerhard and many more excellent collaborators! Check out at 

New publication in Nature Metabolism:

GR in macrophages protects from high fat Diet induced Insulin Resistance!

Nature Communications 2023 Apr 2014(1):2271.  doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-37831-z (Link:


Prof. Dr. Jan Tuckermann
Phone: +49 731 50 32600
Fax: +49 731 50 32609
Helmholtzstr. 8/1
Room: 3.34

follow on Twitter @JanTuckermann

Student office hours:
every tuesday from
04:00 pm - 05:00 pm

Vice Director

Photo Deputy Director Prof. PD Maja Vujic´Spasic´, PhD


Ursula Seifert
Room: M25 - 5202
Phone: +49 (0) 731-50-22631
Fax: +49 (0) 731-50-22629
office hours:
Tue: 07:15-15:45
Thu: 12:00-16:00
Fr: 07:15-15:15


Sybille Smith
Phone: +49 731 50 32601
Fax.: +49 731 50 32609
Helmholtzstr. 8/1
Room: 3.33

E-Mail: nawi.mep(at)

Student office hours:
Tuesday and Thursday
09:00 am - 12:00 pm and 02:00 pm - 04:00 pm


Ulm University 
Institute of Comparative Molecular Endocrinology and Physiology 
Helmholtzstrasse 8/1
89081 Ulm


Photo Entrance Area Centre for Biomedical Research

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