
Publication Fireworks During the Summer Break

Ulm University

We are delighted that 3 new papers have been published in high-quality journals over the past few weeks. Two of them in ‘Separation and Purification’:

L.-M. Ränger, J. Hildenbrand, Y. Waibel, T. Grützner: Impact of liquid split ratio on separation performance of a multiple dividing wall column pilot plant, 353, 6, Seperation and Purification, published online 2024, 129266, DOI: 10.1016/j.seppur.2024.129266

L.-M. Ränger, I. Halvorsen, T. Grützner, S. Skogestad: What can go wrong in a dividing wall column and how to detect it, Seperation and Purification, 353, 6, published online 2024, 129151, DOI: 10.1016/j.seppur.2024.129151

and another in ‘AIChE Journal’:

Z. A. Hamamah, T. Grützner: Development of a procedure for defining the operation window of annular centrifugal contactors, AIChE Journal, 2024, e18580, DOI:10.1002/aic.18580

In addition, there were two presentations at this year's CHISA conference in Prague

S. Lukas, T. Grützner: Development of a liquid splitter for an additively manufactured, laboratory-scale dividing wall column (DWC), CHISA, Prague, Czech-Republic, 2024

L. Trescher, D. Mogalle, L. M. Ränger, T. Seidel, P. Ludl, M. Bortz, T. Grützner: Pareto-optimal dividing wall columns under thermodynamic and technical uncertainties, CHISA, Prague, Czech-Republic, 2024

Congratulations and thanks to all co-authors!