Test Rigs
Multiple Dividing Wall Column
The first pilot-scale multiple dividing wall column. The column allows the separation of a quaternary mixture into four pure components. For this purpose, a simplified configuration with two dividing walls was selected, whereby the dividing walls are not physically designed but the corresponding column segments are run in parallel in this sections. During the design phase, great importance was attached to flexible operation. The plant is 9.6 m high, has a total of about 220 theoretical stages and is equipped with a vacuum system.
Distillation Test Rig I
This self-constructed unit is fully automized and operates under total reflux. It allows the precise determination of pressure drop, heat losses and seperation efficiency (HTU/HETP) for our 3D printed columns and packings. It can be used for a wide range of column diameters as well as gas and liquid loads.
Rectification Test Rig II
This completely self-designed and built continuous laboratory distillation unit allows the precise determination of pressure and heat losses as well as the separation performance. In contrast to the “Distillation Test Rig I” , it can be operated fully automated continuously with finite refluxes. Fully additively manufactured columns are also used here.
Test Rig for Liquid Distribution Measurements
This test facility allows us to measure the liquid distribution in additively manufactured packings. A wide range of possible diameter can be investigated. Different liquid distributors and liquid collectors are available fo this task.
CINC extractor V02 / CS50
This extraction centrifuge can be used for liquid-liquid extractions in non-reactive and reactive systems. The RPM ranges from 0 to 6000 (= 0 to 1000 g). The feed stream can be varied between 0,01 and 1 L/min.
Other devices
Furthermore, all our laboratories are equipped with the necessary standard devices:
- Pumps
- Digital data logger (Ahlborn ALMEMO 710)
- Sensors (Temperature, Pressure, Conductivity)
- pH Meter
- Titration stands
- Heating/Cooling devices
- Stirrers
- Balances
- Ultra sonic bath
- Aspen Plus
- Aspen HYSYS
- Aveva - SimCentral
- Dortmunder Datenbank (DDB)
- Matlab
- Autodesk Inventor
- Labview
- Design-Expert
- OpenFOAM