Photochemical Reaction Engineering: Theses

We are always offering a wide variety of topics for your Bachelor- and Master-Thesis or for research internships. No matter if you want to focus your work on more experimental or more theoretical questions - do not hesitate to approach us. 

If you want to work on a photochemistry topic, you do not have to be an expert in the field of photochemistry before you start your work. We will provide you with all the information and knowledge you need to work successfully.

Current thesis offers can be found in the table below. We typically adjust the focus of the thesis to the interests of the thesis worker. If you are interested in a specific topic not listed here, feel free to suggest your ideas for a thesis topic.

Note that Bachelor thesis are usually in German, even when the topics are indicated in English.

Open Topics:

Theoretical investigation of mass transport limitations in photoreactionsBenedikt Wiedemannx 
Experimental investigation of mass transport limitations in photoreactionsBenedikt Wiedemann/Dr. Fabian Gubaxx
Experimental investigation of mass transfer and overall activity for photocatalytic water splitting with catalyst loaded carbon nitridesDaniel Kowalczyk x
Heterogeneous photocatalytic water oxidation at polymeric membranes in a continuous reactorDaniel Kowalczyk x
Optimization of the photooxygenation of furfuryl alkohol by the development of 3D printed mass transport intensified flow photoreactorsDaniel Kowalczyk/Benedikt Wiedemann x
Modeling the photooxygenation of furfuryl alkohol in mass transport intensified flow photoreactorsDaniel Kowalczyk/Benedikt Wiedemannx 
Dynamic irradiation to extend the lifetime of the hydrogen evolution reactionDaniel Kowalczyk x
Development and characterization of modules for internal irradiation for the modular photoreactor platformDaniel Kowalczyk x
Automation of high-throughput screening with Reinforcement LearningDaniel Kowalczykxx
Controlled illumination of photoacids to locally change the pH valueDaniel Kowalczyk/Dirk Ziegenbalg x
Comparitive evaluation of hydrogen evolution performance for a ZnO catalystDaniel Kowalczyk x
Scale-up of a falling film photoreactorDaniel Kowalczyk x
Continuous flow synthesis of photosensitizersDaniel Kowalczyk x
Dynamic irradiation of photooxidations to improve selectivityDr. Fabian Guba x
Light-induced switching of the wettability for controlling mass transportDr. Fabian Guba x
Development of hybrid models for photocatalytic water splittingAlina Kobax 
Development of a flow IR-spectroscopic measurement cellAlina Koba x
Modelling of photostationary equilibriaAlina Kobax 
Revision and extension of software to evaluate multidimensional radiometric measurementsAlina Kobaxx
Simulation of slurry flow in capillary photoreactor for NH3 formationAkbar Valaeix 
Development of a capillary reactor for photocatalytic NH3 formationAkbar Valaei x
Model-based design of experiment for electrocatalytic NH3 formationEmad Omranix 
Development of a electrocatalytic reactor for NH3 formationEmad Omrani x
Modeling of photoreactors using Machine Learning algorithmsBenedikt Wiedemannx 
Creation of experimental datasets for the application in Machine LearningBenedikt Wiedemann x
Technoeconomic analysis of current publications on industrial application of photoreactionsDirk Ziegenbalg/Fabian Gubax 
Extension of a software suite for analyzing and modelling light-driven reactionsDirk Ziegenbalg/Alina Kobax