To encourage outstanding young chemists at the beginning of their career, the Dr. Barbara Mez-Starck Foundation (Freiburg) annualy awards the best master graduates in chemistry at the University of Ulm. The award is named after the founder, who led the Section for Spectra and Structure Documentation (now section Chemical Information Systems) at the University of Ulm until 1987, and died in May 2001.

Normally up to three chemists will be awarded, who graduated during the previous academic year (deadline Sept. 30) within a total period of study of ten semesters (6 semesters for Bachelor plus 4 semesters for Master) and who belong to the best 10% of the academic year. One cannot apply for this prize nor can be nominated by somebody else.

The selected students will receive cash prizes, namely:

  • first prize with 1000.- Euro
  • second prize with 800.- Euro
  • third prize with 600.- Euro

No legal right can be established for this award! Moreover, as in the case of Nobel-prizes there will be no explanation why particular candidates are not awarded.

The awarding of the prize winners by representatives of the Foundation Board takes place during a special symposium of the chemical institutes or within a similar event.

Award-winners 2019

Beste Absolventen 2019
The awardees 2019 Evelyn Artmann, Tanja Geng, and Pascal Wintergerst (from left to right) with Stephan Heinicke (right) and Dr. Jürgen Vogt (left) as representative of the Dr. Barbara Mez-Starck Foundation. (Foto: Dr. habil. N. Vogt)

After the price was first awarded in May 2005, the Department of Chemistry, under the leadership of the dean of studies, Prof. Thorsten Bernhardt, awarded it to its best graduates of the academic year 2017/2018 on May 2, 2019. The Dr. Barbara Mez-Starck-Foundation (Freiburg) was represented by Dr. Jürgen Vogt (University of Ulm) and Stephan Heinicke (Commerzbank Freiburg).

This year three students were awarded, who all passed the exams with a total score between 1.0 and 1.1. Two first prizes were given to Evelyn Artmann and Tanja Geng. The third prize was awarded to Pascal Wintergerst. The subsequent lecture was given by Prof. David A. Leigh (University of Manchester) on "Making the Tiniest Machines".