You have a lot of knowledge gained in your natural science studies but do not know how to adress the public? You have heard of environmental NGOs but are not sure how they work and act?

Environmental problems and protection efforts have to be adressed to and discussed with the public. In this workpackage, Students will have a chance to meet with local stakeholders and representative of NGOs or companies to discuss various local socio-environmental issues during a workshop. This gives them the opportunity to see real local problems and their solutions, communicate on these topics and participate in the discourse. 

Additionally, the students will be able to prepare informational material by themselves. 

Results and deliverables of this workpackage can be found here (will be published in late autumn 2024, after the first workshops)

Logo des Projekts EcoSocMan, Rund, mit einem Baum, einem Mensch und stilisiertem Boden


Dr. Eva Keppner
Raum: M24/570
Tel.: +49-(0)731-50 23 93 0


Prof. Dr. Michael Hiete

Helmholtzstr. 18, E22

Fon: 0731 50-30711