In the light of climate and global change, it is important to know how oneself is contributing to carbon emissions. Trying to understand carbon accounting or even trying to lower the individual carbon footprint can be complicated, and our project wants to help.

In this specific workpackage, we want to collect and summarize means to understand and work with carbon accounting models and tools. 

Results and deliverables can be found here (will be published in late autumn 2024, after the first workshops)


Logo des Projekts EcoSocMan, Rund, mit einem Baum, einem Mensch und stilisiertem Boden


Dr. Eva Keppner
Raum: M24/570
Tel.: +49-(0)731-50 23 93 0


Prof. Dr. Michael Hiete

Helmholtzstr. 18, E22

Fon: 0731 50-30711