// Fly without a crash
In 2020 the city of Ulm is celebrating the 250th birthday of Albrecht Berblinger the "tailor of Ulm". Berblinger was one of the first people who successfully realized flying with a self-made hang glider. However, he died impoverished and alone. The flight of his genius and the crash of his impoverishment were tragically tied together as the story of his life.
His story and vision serve as the motto and keyword for the TYPO3 University Days 2020.
What lofty ideas will you use for your own hang glider, how will you implement them into your control frame, and how will the fundamental flight mechanics that you use make the university websites not only fly but soar?
Which security-relevant settings, legal framework, technical hurdles, work specifications, and administrative rights have to be mastered so that our websites do not crash?
Call for Papers
So that we can once again offer an exciting program for the T3UD, we rely on your cooperation. Submit your contribution on TYPO3.
You can apply for a lecture / talk / workshop until August 15th, 2020.
Possible topics (only as a small suggestion):
- the killer feature of our university website.
- TYPO3 administration made easy
- automated tests how to
- barrier-free, yes please
- of searching and finding
- TYPO3 - a dino threatened with extinction?
- 3 wishes to the TYPO3 Fee
- ...
Let your imagination run wild. Master the reality.
When and why did you enjoy working with TYPO3 for the last time?
When and why did you want to kick TYPO3 last?
If you step closer, submit!
Paper Submitting
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