Documents ProTrainU

The rules of procedure of ProTrainU (Verwaltungs- und Benutzungsnordnung, only available in German) came into operation in winter 2017 and were altered in May 2024 (decision in Senate, 15th May 2024). They form the basis of our work at ProTrainU.

The mission of the Graduate and Professional Training Center Ulm (ProTrainU) is to provide a framework for training and advice of early career researchers of all faculties such as PhD students, postdocs and group leaders according to excellent international  standards. Training will be transdisciplinary on an international background and is based on a proven scientific excellence gained through third party  funding of collaborative research networks (e. g. through the Excellence Initiative of the German Federal and State Governments, DFG, BMBF, state of Baden-Württemberg, EU).

ProTrainU supports young researchers throughout their qualification phases with scientific and key competence training as well as measures for internationalization, career orientation, individual coaching /advice and networking. The self-reliance and independence of early career researchers is strengthened during their preparation for a career in academia, industry or the non-profit sector. Young researchers will be enabled to make a well-qualified decision with respect to their future career. By this, ProTainU will also contribute to developing transparent and structured career paths.

External advice, coaching and mentoring

Deutscher Hochschulverband DHV

Zentrum für Wissenschaftsmanagement Speyer ZWM

Centrum für Hochschulentwicklung CHE



MuT Mentoring and Training, c/o Lakog Stuttgart
Courses and mentoring tandems are offered (usually in German).

Lakog - Landeskonferenz der Gleichstellungsbeauftragten an wissenschaftlichen Hochschulen in Baden-Württemberg

Lakof - Landeskonferenz der Gleichstellungsbeauftragten an Hochschulen für angewandte Wissenschaften in Baden-Württemberg

Ulm University is member of UniWiND, the German University Association of Advanced Graduate Training (UniWiND/GUAT). Members of this association declared the promotion of young researchers as their focus area. They aim at high standards in training for doctoral candidates and young academic professionals in order to foster their careers inside and outside academia. The network facilitates cross-university exchange of good practices on issues of common concern related to opportunities, challenges and reforms of graduate education. For more information about UniWiND, see:

ProTrainU actively cooperates within Qualitätszirkel Promotion QZP, an informal working group which is dedicated to exchange between universities and their graduate centres to enhance doctoral education and career development of postdocs. Read more:
Here, you can find short guidelines edited by the QZP which help to prepare and structure your doctorate - in Englisch and German, for doctoral candidates and for supervisors: