ExzellenziaUlm - research prize to excellent female junior researchers at Ulm University
Prize description
Once a year, Ulm University awards the ExzellenziaUlm research prize to excellent female junior researchers who, through their outstanding research work, help to shape Ulm University as a research institution and who act as an important role model for other female researchers and students. In doing so, Ulm University wants to increase the visibility of successful female researchers and encourage female early-career academics to embark on and pursue a career in research. The prize is also intended to help counteract the drop-out rates of female junior researchers and increase the proportion of women in leading positions by purposefully promoting the success of female junior researchers and making careers in academia more attractive.
Any member of Ulm University can nominate a female junior researcher who does not yet hold a permanent professorship.
The prize is endowed with 5,000 euros. The awardee receives the prize money in support of her research work.
Selection process
The Senate selects the prize awardee(s) based on the proposal of a selection jury. The selection jury includes the Gender Equality Representative and the members of the Equality Commission. Selection criteria are the research excellence of the female junior researcher (demonstrated through I. publications, third-party funding, appointments, patents, awards, II. an established research profile, III. international visibility) and the exemplary ways in which she has shaped her own career development.
The prize can generally be divided. The award ceremony forms part of a public event where the prize is handed over by the President of Ulm University.
2023 Dr. Jana Riegger-Koch
Clinic of Orthopedics
Award ceremony and report on Dies Academicus 2024
2022 Jun.-Prof. Dr. Nathalie Oexle
Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy II
Award ceremony and report on Dies Academicus 2023
2021 Jun.-Prof. Dr. Andrea Pannwitz
Institute of Inorganic Chemistry I
Award ceremony and report on Dies Academicus 2022
2020 Priv.-Doz. Dr. Clair Hartmann
Clinic for Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine
Award ceremony and report on Dies Academicus 2021
The ExzellenziaUlm research prize has replaced the former gender equality prizes, which were adapted in alignment with Ulm University's overall gender equality strategy.
From 1999 to 2011, the Frauenförderpreis had been awarded to female junior researchers to honour outstanding doctoral and diploma theses as well as structural and innovative projects for the promotion of women in science.
Up until 2019, Ulm University awarded the Mileva Einstein-Marić Prize to excellent female researchers who, through their outstanding work, made a significant and lasting contribution to shaping Ulm University as a research institution while balancing their career with their family responsibilities. The Gender Equality Prize was awarded to institutions or individuals who, through innovative concepts, curricular offers or structural measures, contributed to true equality between men and women and a gender-equitable university and academic culture.
Awardees of the Mileva Einstein-Marić-Prize since 2013
2019 - Dr. Stefanie Tschierlei und Dr. Sabine Vettorazzi (Pressemitteilung Uni Ulm)
2018 - Dr. Sally Olderbak (Pressemitteilung Uni Ulm)
2017 - Montaha Anjass, MSc und Priv.-Doz. Dr. Heike Rudolph (Pressemitteilung Uni Ulm)
2016 - Prof. Dr. Birte Glimm (detailed portrait)
2015 - Prof. Dr. Kerstin Leopold (detailed portrait)
2014 - Prof. Dr. Pamela Fischer-Posovszky (detailed portrait)
2013 - Prof. Dr. Anita Marchfelder (detailed portrait)
Martina Riegg

Project Specialist
Mon - Fri | by arrangement