Continuous programme - no application deadline!
Please apply at least 4 weeks before the start of your planned qualification measure.
Boost your career!
Interdisciplinary Qualification
Knowledge, skills and abilities that cannot be assigned to individual disciplines make it possible to successfully master a wide range of challenges in career development. This funding measure within the framework of the Federal Programme for Women Professors III for attending coaching sessions, seminars and similar formats is available to female junior academics from all faculties.
Female junior academics from all faculties.
This includes doctoral candidates (with a completed master or medical degree), post-docs, habilitation candidates and researchers qualified to teach and supervise doctoral/PhD candidates (post-habil). Appointed professors or junior professors are not eligible.
A completed degree (Master's degree; third part of the state medical examination) and an employment relationship with Ulm University/University Hospital or a scholarship based there until at least the end of the funding period applied for are required.
For all further requirements please see funding guideline.
Women from subjects in which they are considerably underrepresented are prioritised.
Funding is available for participation in coaching sessions, seminars or similar formats, which aim to provide interdisciplinary qualification and career preparation for female junior academics.
- Reimbursement of participation fees up to a maximum of EUR 850.
- Reimbursement of travel expenses up to a maximum of EUR 500.
The applicant is free to choose the provider and the qualification format. If required, the Office for Gender Equality may provide advice.
If the application is approved, the funding amount will be reimbursed after the qualification measure by bank transfer to an account specified by the applicant.
For the exact procedure please see funding guideline.
All participants are reimbursed without a daily allowance.
The documents must be submitted to ProTrainU Office by the date specified in the acceptance letter at the latest. If you miss this deadline, your entitlement to reimbursement from PPIII funds will be forfeited.
Applications must be received by the Office for Gender Equality no later than 4 weeks before the start of the planned qualification measure.
The fully completed and signed application must be emailed with all attachments as one pdf file (with scanned signatures) to the project coordinator at gleichstellungsbeauftragte(at)
Order of the sub-documents within the pdf file:
1. application form
2. quote or programme information from provideder
The funding decision is made by the project management of the Federal Programme for Women Professors III. Notification will be emailed.
Martina Riegg

Project Specialist
Mon - Fri | by arrangement