Financial Support Programmes for Female Academics

Improvement of structural framework conditions set aside, the Financial Support Programmes for Female Researchers of Ulm University are focused on paving the way for a more gender equitable scientific culture, and encouraging successful female early stage researchers to pursue a career in academia. 

The following support measures are available:

Laboratory Assistance for Young Women Researchers during Pregnancy or Breast-feeding

Lab assistance allows female researchers to continue their lab research during periods of pregnancy and breastfeeding, if they are unable to carry out the work themselves due to medical reasons. This offers a solution to finish scientific work within the scheduled time frame despite pregnancy or maternity.

The support is available to female doctoral and postdoctoral candidates at Ulm University – including the Medical Faculty, and in individual cases with relevant reasons also to bachelor's and master's students.

Details Laboratory assistance


Travel funding is available to female junior academics of all faculties as part of the specific measures to increase the proportion of female academics. The budget is provided within the framework of the Programme for Women Professors III.

Details Mobility

Project start-up

This programme strives to encourage qualified female junior researchers to further their academic careers. To support them with starting their own research projects and laying the groundwork for a third-party funds application research assistants, materials and equipment, and/or remuneration of test persons are funded.

Details Project start-up

Interdisciplinary qualification

Knowledge, skills and abilities that cannot be assigned to individual disciplines make it possible to successfully master a wide range of challenges in career development. This funding measure within the framework of the Federal Programme for Women Professors III for attending coaching sessions, seminars and similar formats is available to female junior academics from all faculties.

Details Interdisciplinary Qualification

Bridging Programme for the Career Entry of Female Junior Researchers

Ulm University seeks to attract as many female junior researchers as possible for an academic career. The bridging programme supports their transition to the next qualification level and allows faculties and institutes to offer attractive conditions in the competition for qualified female graduates.

Details Bridging Programme


The Hertha-Nathorff-Programme supports the advancement of the scientific careers of female junior researchers at the Medical Faculty after they obtained their doctorate. Candidates can apply for funding for rotation/exemption positions (physicians) or research positions (scientists).

Details Hertha-Nathorff-Programme

Margarete von Wrangell Junior Professor Programme

This realigned state government programme provides postdoctoral positions to talented women in order to prevent the disproportionate drop-out of women and to attract highly qualified women to pursue a career in academica.

Details Margarete von Wrangell Junior Professor Programme
