Mentoring & Training

MuT - Mentoring and Training is a programme for the advancement of highly qualified female junior academics in the federal state of Baden-Württemberg. Eligible for participation are female academics who are working towards or already have their PhD or postdoctoral teaching qualification (Privatdozentinnen and Habilitandinnen), postdocs and Juniorprofessoren.


In a mentoring relationship the mentor helps to guide the junior academic with knowledge and experience and gives them an idea of the values and norms of the scientific community. The person being mentored may benefit in the following ways:

  • utilising the mentor’s experience and knowledge,
  • obtaining advice on how to develop their qualification profile,
  • receiving guidance in situations of professional orientation,
  • creating opportunities to take on special tasks.


The workshops are being developed, organised and facilitated in alignment with the participants’ suggestions and needs:

  • job application training, (professorship) appointments,
  • acquisition of third-party funds,
  • communication and motivation,
  • conflict management,
  • etc.

The participation fees (not: travel expenses!) for researchers from Ulm University are refunded by the Office for Gender Equality

Here is how it’s done:
1. Sign up for the event with LaKoG.
2. Upon receipt of confirmation letter please remit participation fee to LaKoG/University of Stuttgart account.
3. After the event, send an email to Office for Gender Equality at seminare-gb(at) Tell us which MuT workshop you attended and ask for the cost centre. We will send you this information immediately.
4. No later than 6 weeks after the event, please complete the online form Reimbursement of Expenses for Ulm University (German only) and attach the following:

• LaKoG confirmation letter
• proof of payment
• certificate of attendance

5. Reimbursement will be made by the Central University Administration to your account.
