Albert-Einstein-Allee 11
89081 Ulm
M24 Room 238
The Office for Gender Equality (Equal Opportunities) creates the structural framework conditions for genuine equality between men and women in academia. For this purpose, we develop and supervise a variety of measures and work closely with all faculties and the administration.
While the development of the gender equality strategy is the responsibility of the university management, the gender equality officers and the deans, the Office for Gender Equality is responsible for the actual implementation of the gender equality policy. This includes the design, implementation and supervision of individual measures and offers. The Office for Gender Equality works closely with the deans' offices and the central university administration when it comes to the coordination of gender equality measures and advising all central and decentralised university units on the topic of equality and equal opportunities.
The work of the Office for Gender Equality is complemented by the equal opportunities officer, who represents the interests of all non-academic employees.
We offer researchers at Ulm University advice and expertise on the following topics:
Albert-Einstein-Allee 11
89081 Ulm
M24 Room 238
Consultant for Gender Equality
Mon - Fri | mornings by arrangement
Consultant for Gender Equality
Tue, Thu, Fri | by arrangement
Project Specialist
Mon - Fri | by arrangement
Tue, Thu | 9:00 - 1:00 p.m.