Equality Commission

The Equality Commission is a sub-commission of the Senate and advises the Senate on the subject of equality. The Equality Commission is chaired by the gender equality officer; further members are the deputies of the gender equality officer, the faculty gender equality officers, a student representative and the consultants for equal opportunities (in an advisory capacity).

At the faculty level, the gender equality work is represented by the faculty gender equality officers, who come together in the Equality Commission. As delegates of the gender equality officer, they are particularly involved in the committees and appointment procedures at the faculties.

The tasks of the Equality Commission are:

  • Advising the Senate and the Working Group Gender Equality (AG Gleichstellung) on the subject of equality
  • Supporting the faculty management in matters of equality
  • Developing the gender equality plan of Ulm University

Deputies of the Gender Equality Officer

Prof. Dr. Cornelia Herbert

Cornelia Herbert
Prof. Dr. Cornelia Herbert

Deputy Gender Equality Officer

Department of Applied Emotion and Motivation Psychology
Albert-Einstein-Allee 47
89081 Ulm

Prof. Dr. Susana Fernandez Huelga

Susana Fernandez Huelga
Prof. Dr. Susana Fernandez Huelga

Deputy Gender Equality Officer

Institute of Theoretical Physics
Albert-Einstein-Allee 11
89081 Ulm

Faculty of Engineering, Computer Science and Psychology

Prof. Dr. Friedhelm Schwenker

Friedhelm Schwenker
Prof. Dr. Friedhelm Schwenker

Deputy of the Faculty Gender Equality Officer

Institute of Neural Information Processing
89081 Ulm

Dr.- Ing. Margarita Puentes-Damm

Margarita Puentes-Damm
Dr.- Ing. Margarita Puentes-Damm

Studiengangskoordinatorin und Studienfachberaterin

Fachbereich Ingenieurwissenschaften

SK Elektrotechnik
Albert-Einstein-Alle 41
89081 Ulm
Room: Uni West 41 41.2.102
Phone: 07315026006

Faculty of Mathematics and Economics

Prof. Dr. Mathias Klier

Mathias Klier
Prof. Dr. Mathias Klier

Deputy of the Faculty Gender Equality Officer

Institute of Business Analytics
Helmholtzstraße 22
89081 Ulm

Faculty of Natural Sciences

Medical Faculty

Head of Commission for Gender Equality at the Medical Faculty

Equal Opportunities Officer

Representative of doctoral candidates

Representative of academic employees with a doctorate degree

Dr.- Ing. Margarita Puentes-Damm

Margarita Puentes-Damm
Dr.- Ing. Margarita Puentes-Damm

Studiengangskoordinatorin und Studienfachberaterin

Fachbereich Ingenieurwissenschaften

SK Elektrotechnik
Albert-Einstein-Alle 41
89081 Ulm
Room: Uni West 41 41.2.102
Phone: 07315026006

Consultant for Gender Equality