Prof. Dr. Aurelia Peraud

Gender Equality Officer
The Equality Commission is a sub-commission of the Senate and advises the Senate on the subject of equality. The Equality Commission is chaired by the gender equality officer; further members are the deputies of the gender equality officer, the faculty gender equality officers, a student representative and the consultants for equal opportunities (in an advisory capacity).
At the faculty level, the gender equality work is represented by the faculty gender equality officers, who come together in the Equality Commission. As delegates of the gender equality officer, they are particularly involved in the committees and appointment procedures at the faculties.
The tasks of the Equality Commission are:
Gender Equality Officer
Deputy Gender Equality Officer
Deputy Gender Equality Officer
Deputy Gender Equality Officer
Faculty Gender Equality Officer
Deputy of the Faculty Gender Equality Officer
Studiengangskoordinatorin und Studienfachberaterin
Fachbereich Ingenieurwissenschaften
Faculty Gender Equality Officer
Deputy of the Faculty Gender Equality Officer
Deputy of the Faculty Gender Equality Officer
Faculty Gender Equality Officer
Faculty Gender Equality Officer
Deputy of the Faculty Gender Equality Officer
Deputy of the Faculty Gender Equality Officer
Deputy of the Faculty Gender Equality Officer
Deputy of the Faculty Gender Equality Officer
Institute of Theoretical Physics
Studiengangskoordinatorin und Studienfachberaterin
Fachbereich Ingenieurwissenschaften
Consultant for Gender Equality
Mon - Fri | mornings by arrangement
Consultant for Gender Equality
Tue, Thu, Fri | by arrangement