Anonymous survey on discrimination, sexual harassment and violence

We hope you participate - even if you are not directly affected!

The purpose of this anonymous survey is to investigate the prevalence of sexual harassment and boundary violations among students and employees at Ulm University. The survey takes about 15-25 minutes to complete.

In addition to the prevalence of sexual harassment and violence, the survey also aims to identify potential risk factors and consequences as well as possible vulnerable groups and settings. Finally yet importantly, it serves to raise awareness of discrimination and sexual harassment, and helps to inform preventive measures that will create and strengthen an atmosphere characterised by respectful interaction.

You will or have already received an email invitation and a link to participate in the survey. The survey takes about 15-25 minutes to complete (which of course counts towards your work hours).

The survey is anonymous. An evaluation at participant level is not possible. The initiation of disciplinary action or similar is not the aim of the survey.

The survey is conducted under the direction of Prof. Clemens and Prof. Fegert, director of the Clinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, in collaboration with the contact person for sexual harassment, discrimination and violence, Dr. Güttel, and the gender equality officer of Ulm University, Prof. Peraud. The executive support unit Quality Development, Reporting and Revision is responsible for the technical implementation.

The Clinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy has been playing a significant role in the promotion, development and implementation of concepts for protection in institutions from the very beginning. 

scientific details of the survey
