For prospective students and researchers from Ukraine

Prospective students and researchers who are currently studying or working at a Ukrainian university can benefit from many study and support offers at Ulm University.
Prospective students and students from Ukraine who meet the admission requirements for Bachelor's or Master's programmes at Ulm University can take up or continue their studies. Admission to higher semesters is also possible.
Students from Ukraine who do not meet the admission requirements for German taught study programmes but who would like to take individual courses and classes in English can be enrolled at Ulm University for a limited period of up to two semesters and thus acquire credits.
Students from Ukraine can enrol for short-term research stays, provided that the requirements are met.
Through early contact with companies, students gain insights into application-oriented problems and gain experience in the labour market.
For students and researchers at Ulm University

ConnectUlm brings together students and researchers from Ulm University who would like to get actively involved with refugee students from Ukraine. University members who have been affected by the war in Ukraine can also find support on our platform.
Through early contact with companies, students gain insights into application-oriented problems and gain experience in the labour market.
For students at Ukrainian universities

With ConnectUlm, students from Ukrainian universities who would like to continue their studies in Ukraine remotely can take advantage of numerous support services offered by Ulm University.

Also interesting...
The website of the DAAD's National Academic Contact Point Ukraine provides a wealth of information for students and researchers from Ukraine on residence, university admission, study and research, and everyday life in Germany. It is available in German, English and Ukrainian.
The city of Ulm provides comprehensive information on its website about registration, social benefits, housing and other topics for refugees from Ukraine.
Menschlichkeit Ulm e.V. is a registered non-profit, charitable and non-partisan association based in Ulm. Menschlichkeit Ulm e.V. is made up of motivated and spontaneous people from very different backgrounds who want to live a humanitarian ideal in a very practical way. Menschlichkeit Ulm e. V. supports refugees from Ukraine in many ways.
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The regularily offered Welcome Café creates an environment for intercultural encounters and conversations with students, refugees and interested people from all over the world.
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engagiert in ulm supports and further develops the diversity of civic engagement in Ulm. If you want to get involved in Ulm, whether as a private individual, a company or a group, you will find a place for your concerns, questions and suggestions at engagiert in ulm. engagiert in ulm also supports organisations and associations in their search for volunteers and advises on setting up new fields of activity.
The Flüchtlingsrat Ulm/Alb-Donau-Kreis brings together volunteers and supports refugees in Ulm and the Alb-Donau district in a variety of ways.
The StuVe works on a wide range of topics related to the university and studying. It organises itself in various committees (the student parliament and the student council), as well as the student executive as the executive body and representation of the student body. It is supported by several departments, such as the BAföG department or the bicycle repair shop.
Experienced adults - Senior Consultants - support international students during their stay in Germany at Ulm University.
ILEU's Ukraine Aid provides humanitarian assistance through methodically reflected promotion of communication, encounter and integration.