Graduate International Autumn School

Moving toward the future!




COLLAB – Collaboratory for Global Sustainability 2024

  • A 3.5-day intensive virtual autumn school for Master students

  • A Canadian-German cooperative programme of Toronto Metropolitan University and Ulm University

  • Small intercultural teams mentored by facilitators

  • ’Doing Well from Doing Good': The Intersection of Profit and Purpose. Investigate the balance between financial success and social impact, highlighting case studies and strategies where businesses (less than 10 years old) thrive while contributing to societal well-being (SDGs).

COLLAB 2024 Schedule

Dates:  7th – 9th and 17th October
Apply now!
Rolling admission – first come first served

Five Reasons to Participate in COLLAB 2024

Gain international experience

Get an intensive international experience in just four days by taking part in a virtual hackathon-style programme.

Make new contacts

Meet other like-minded Master-students from Toronto, Canada & Ulm, Germany.


Improve your soft skills

Develop entrepreneurial, project management and leadership skills.

Be innovative

Come up with innovative solutions on how to find a balance between financial success and social impact, looking at best-practice examples from the last ten years.

Be inspired

Have fun and get inspired by diverse perspectives and creative thinking in international teams and become part of an international community.

Have a question? Send us an e-mail!



COLLAB programme at a Glace…

  • Time of programme:  7th -9th and 17th October 2024
  • Target group:  Master and PhD students of all disciplines
  • Application:  no later than 30 September 2024 (rolling admission)
  • Number of participants:  maximum of 20 students
  • Language:  English

And in Detail ...

Please check:

What and when?

  • Autumn School:  7th - 9th and 17th October 2024
  • Topic of the interdisciplinary team challenge:  ’Doing Well from Doing Good': The Intersection of Profit and Purpose. Investigate the balance between financial success and social impact, highlighting case studies and strategies where businesses (less than 10 years old) thrive while contributing to societal well-being (SDGs).
  • 3 days at 4 hours each of structured programme, 1-2h on the 17th for final pitches
  • In Toronto:  9 am – 1 pm;  in Ulm:  3 pm – 7 pm
  • Language of communcation:  English
  • 20 participants; five student teams of four persons each plus two facilitators per group, one from Toronto Metropolitan University, one from Ulm University
  • Facilitators are PhD students who serve as mentors and navigate the teams through the creative thinking and planning process
  • Intercultural Training workshop included in the programme
  • Pitch competition in the end of programme

3.5-days of programme:

  • Day 1: Kick-off | Teambuilding | Ideation techniques and Brainstorimg
  • Day 2: Ideation II | Crystalize one idea
  • Day 3: Testing/Prototyping | Concept/prototype creation | How to pitch
  • 4th-16th: individual teamwork to prepare final pitch
  • Day 4: Final pitches

How can you participate?

  • Who?  Master students from all disciplines from Toronto Metropolitan University and Ulm University can apply.
  • What is required to participate?  Please turn in the Application Form including contact information, field of study, motivation for and expectations of the programme.
  • Fees?  No, it is free of charge this year.
  • When?  Application can be turned in no later than Monday, 30 September 2024But please note that places might fill up earlier as we have a rolling admission on a first come first served basis.

Apply now!

Toronto Metropolitan University

City university in downtown Toronto, founded in 1948
31,000 students with a diverse student population
Combines research and real-world knowledge and experience
Known for their entrepreneurship, media, engineering, business, and nursing programs

The Ulm-Toronto Connection

Toronto Metropolitan (formerly Ryerson) and Ulm University have started working together in the framework of the state-wide Ontario-Baden-Wuerttemberg Exchange which was established in 1990.

In 2018, representatives from Toronto and Ulm have started an intensive bilateral discussion with the goal to create new innovative international teaching and learning experiences to students from both universities. COLLAB 2021 was the first result of this cooperation and the start of an annual series of international challenges on various topics on sustainability.

Ulm University

Research university with a focus on STEM subjects and medicine, founded in 1967
10,000 students and large international diversity on campus
Cutting-edge laboratories and facilities for research and development
Germany's leading state-of-the-art battery research

Toronto ...

  • Canada’s largest city with around 3 million inhabitans, 6 million in the Toronto Greater Area
  • Located in the province of Ontario on the shore of Lake Ontario

  • Vibrant multicultural and cosmopolitan city 

  • Prominent centre for music, theatre, motion picture and television production, health and higher education

  • The CN Tower is one of Toronto’s most famous landmarks defining its skyline

Ulm ...

  • Located in the German southwestern state of Baden-Wuerttemberg which belongs to one of Germany's most economically dynamic regions

  • Friendly and safe medium-sized twin city, just separated by the river Danube from Neu-Ulm in Bavaria; population of around 180,000 people

  • Birthplace of Albert Einstein

  • Offers a diversified mix of medieval and modern architecture and a great variety of cultural, sports and leisure activities

  • Has a literally outstanding landmark, the "Muenster", Ulm's cathedral with the world’s highest steeple

Want to Become a Facilitator in COLLAB?

Facilitators are PhD students who serve as mentors in the student teams.

If yes, please check:


You are a PhD student and you would like to become a Facilitator for COLLAB?

Good choice, because you will ...

  • Be prepared for this role in two specific workshops where you get instructions and learn about tools how to guide the teams.

  • Improve your intercultural communication, facilitation, ideation, and leadership skills in a friendly and safe environment.

  • Gain experience in innovative teaching methods incuding pitching.

  • Get new ideas for your research through an interdisciplinary approach and creative thinking methods.

  • Get insight into research opportunities abroad.

  • Be able to network with other PhD students from Canada and Germany.

  • Receive a certificate of engagement upon completion.

  • Take art in preparatory workshops; 26th September: Entrepreneurial Basics, Ideation, Prototyping, Pitch Training; tba for September: Intercultural Communication
  • Lead a group of Master students during programme together with a colleague from either Canada or Germany (3,5 days, 4 hours per day)
  • Your total workload: approx. 20 hours


For your application or questions please contact:

Lena Schmidt
Entrepreneurs Campus
Ulm University
+49 731 50-24302


Any questions? Send us an e-mail! 


The Persons in Charge Behind the Scenes

  • Dr. Bryan Koivisto
    Associate Professor, Ryerson University
    +1 416 979 5000 x4625

  • Lena Schmid
    Entreprenuers Campus, Ulm Univeristy
    +49 731 50-24302

  • Daniela Englisch
    Director of the International Office, Ulm University
    +49 731 50 22015