
Staff, lecturers, researchers, students and alumni all benefit from the introduction of the new HISinOne-based campus portal and the associated organisational and technical developments.

  • The new campus portal will be the central portal for all target groups: prospective students, students, doctoral students, alumni, researchers and teaching staff, research institutes and administrative staff.
  • The new campus portal can be accessed at any time and from anywhere via a web browser. The intuitive and accessible user interface is also optimised for modern devices such as smartphones and tablets.
  • The new campus portal also fulfils the legal requirements (including the Online Access Act, data protection, accessibility) and is future-proof.

Further benefits at a glance

An end-to-end digital application and enrolment process enables prospective students to start their studies quickly and easily. The introduction of HISInOne makes it easier for students to organise their studies:

  • Important applications for organising your studies, such as the course catalogue and exam registration, are bundled centrally via the new campus portal, so it is no longer necessary to switch between different services.
  • Self-service functionalities enable students to retrieve transcripts of records and enrolment certificates, register for courses and examinations or even independently re-register for their studies.
  • All data relating to their studies and progress are available at any time and from anywhere.

HISinOne supports doctoral candidates and prospective doctoral candidates in the targeted administration and organisation of their doctoral project with various stakeholders at Ulm University.

  • All important data is available at a glance in the self-service, both for the doctoral administration and for the doctoral candidates themselves.
  • Applications are submitted and approved in the system, from the application for acceptance as a doctoral candidate, to interruption applications, the application to open the doctoral procedure and the final completion of their doctoral project.
  • A high degree of integration and interaction between the HISinOne areas enables doctoral students to enrol easily without having to enter their data twice via the system.

A transparent and networked admissions and enrolment process will enable employees to understand work processes and procedures in student management across departments in the future:

  • With the help of HISinOne, employees in the admissions department and in the faculty view and process applications across all departments directly via the campus portal.
  • This allows everyone involved to keep track of current developments, such as the status of applications or the number of responses.
  • Key figures (e.g. for reporting to ministries) can be accessed centrally and on a daily basis with the help of the integrated reporting system.

With HISinOne, doctoral, examination and admissions committees, doctoral secretariats and study commissions benefit above all from improvements in the areas of efficiency, transparency and quality of administrative processes.

For authorisation committees:

  • Automated workflows: Simplify the management of applications and admissions and enable fast processing and decision-making.
  • Efficient data management: Centralised databases enable a high level of data integrity and security, which is particularly advantageous for large numbers of applicants.

For examination boards:

  • Centralised data management: Facilitates the creation and management of examination schedules as well as the recording and evaluation of examination results.
  • Improved transparency: Students can view their current performance status at any time and receive timely information on examination results.

For doctoral committees and secretariats:

  • Efficient administration: Centralised collection, storage and management of applicant data reduces redundancies and errors.
  • Automated communication: Automatic notifications and status updates improve interaction with applicants and speed up the application process.
  • Data integrity and security: Electronic recording and processing of data increases data integrity and security.

For study commissions:

  • Better planning: Support in the creation and management of curricula and module catalogues.
  • Transparent communication: Study requirements can be communicated clearly and comprehensibly to students.
  • Quality assurance: Central recording and evaluation of academic performance and progress facilitate quality assurance and accreditation of study programmes.

Staff at faculties and chairs will benefit from convenient examination and room management with the upcoming introduction of programme, event and examination management (to be introduced from 2025), which automatically recognises and avoids overbooking and scheduling conflicts.

Researchers and specialist departments benefit from the introduction of a centralised research information system.

  • Research activities are recorded transparently in HISinOne and can be accessed, digitally processed and analysed by other departments and research institutes.
  • HISinOne systematically collects and links research metadata, including information on projects, publications and awards. Data collection is based on the specifications of the Core Data Set for Research (KDSF) recommended by the German Council of Science and Humanities.

The consolidation of information from administration and science in a centralised system leads to administrative relief, efficient work processes and offers relief in reporting.

With the introduction of alumni management (planned from 2025), the campus portal will become the central platform for alumni activities. This will enable alumni to network with Ulm University and receive customised information and services.