Frequently asked questions

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Questions about the campus portal

With the campus portal project, Ulm University is pursuing the goal of mapping processes in the areas of study, teaching and research in a joint software solution in order to

  • to increase the transparency and comprehensibility of administrative processes for employees and students and to make it easier for new students to start their studies
  • to sustainably improve work processes at the university by better networking the areas of application and student management as well as degree programme, examination and event administration
  • facilitate the exchange of project and research information by means of centralised data management
  • to promote the networking of alumni with the University of Ulm by integrating alumni management

On our website you can find comprehensive information about the functions and advantages of the new campus portal.

The introduction of the new campus portal brings many new possibilities and advantages that our current portal does not offer. Visit our project page to find out more.

An overview of the dates for the planned implementation of the individual modules and functionalities in the new campus portal can be found on the Milestones page.

Behind the Campusportal project is a large team of employees from the university management, administration, research and teaching departments as well as many other service organisations at Ulm University. Find out more about the team and contact persons on our team page.

Please write to We will endeavour to answer your enquiry as quickly as possible.