Get involved!

Get involved and participate in the activities of the Mittelbau to shape the university. There are opportunities to help shape university policy through work in committees or working groups, but also the opportunity to actively shape the Mittelbau through the exchange of experience, information and help.

The first point of contact is usually the Mittelbaukonvent, which takes place monthly during the semester. For internal communication, exchange and organisation of working groups, we use Moodle. To join, please write to one of the persons mentioned there. Of course, the current members of the individual committees are also available to answer your questions.

Bodies, committees and working groups

We want to give the academic staff a voice within the university. Through a joint organisation, we promote a quick and constructive exchange of information and opinions among the academic staff in all departments. In this way, the concerns of the academi staff can be effectively communicated to the outside. In order to support democratic higher education, the non-professorial teaching staff must make their voices heard, and together we can achieve something.

As a member of a committee of the University of Ulm, you have the opportunity to actively shape the university.

Our various working groups work on the concerns of the academic staff as well as in university-wide working groups to deal with upcoming issues.

Exchange of experience and information

As a member of the academic staff, you are confronted with new tasks, rules and opportunities that are often university-specific or even department-specific. The Moodle course offers a platform for asking questions and getting answers, getting to know the "rules of the game" and exchanging experiences. Communication here is internal and only accessible to members of the academic staff.