General Assembly

As a rule, a general meeting of the Mittelbau takes place once a year, to which all scientific/academic employees of the University of Ulm are invited. The invitation is sent by email via a distribution list maintained from the university's central database. This plenary meeting is usually held shortly before the annual committee elections.

Convention of the academic staff

The convention of the academic staff meets on Tuesdays before the Senate meetings. All members of the academic staff are cordially invited. To receive the invitations, you must subscribe to the Mittelbau mailing list (to do so, log in at the top right and select subscribe on the left).


The following mailing lists are available to stay informed:

  • Central mailing list: This list is automatically updated by the university administration and, among other things, you will receive the invitation to the general assembly twice a year.
  • Mittelbaukonvent mailing list: To become a member of this list, you have to register actively (follow the link and log in with your university account at the top right). This is used, among other things, to send out invitations to the Convention, which takes place every Tuesday, 16:00, before a Senate meeting.
  • Institute/faculty mailing lists:
    Often an institute has its own mailing list for all staff. In some faculties (NaWi and IIP), these lists are also grouped hierarchically so that the staff of a department or the entire faculty can be reached.
    Information that is of interest to the institute, the respective department or the faculty typically goes via these mailing lists, although the frequency typically becomes less frequent with ascending hierarchy. In the Faculty of Engineering, Computer Science and Psychology, for example, doctoral project presentations or doctoral theses are also announced via them. Sometimes, however, department mailing lists are also used, for example, to simply find the owner of a key that has been found.
    Usually, your own institute (e.g. secretary or technician) enters you in these lists. If you have any further questions, please contact the person in charge:
  • Mailing list with information on research funding.
  • Mailing list for post docs.