Certificate of Competence

Certificate of Competence in Breast Cancer - CCB

The Certificate of Competence in Breast Cancer (CCB Kontaktstudium) is a course of studies dedicated to the diverse field of breast cancer. It covers the biological basics, the diagnostics and the treatment of the different subtypes of breast cancer as well as the proper conduct of clinical trials into breast cancer and adequate supportive care. Up-to-date online lectures are delivered from European experts of the field accompanied by seminars linked to prominent European Breast Cancer meetings (St. Gallen, Lisbon) (Curriculum).

The CCB was developed based on Ulm University's experience in blended learning from the Advanced Oncology Study Program. It covers three attendance seminars interspersed with online learning phases. The duration of this course is 14 months. Successful particpants earn 13 ECTS.

Are you interested? Please follow the link to ESO.

The Certificates of Competences are joint ventures of the European School of Oncology and Ulm University