
Continuing medical education in oncology (Certificate of Advanced Studies)

Continuing medical education "Advanced Therapies in Oncology"
Medical Director: Prof. Dr. Tobias Böckers

The 4-month certificate continuing medical education course “Management” (Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) provides you with knowledge you need for entering the management level. In the first course, you will learn or rehearse Business Basics, i.e. you will receive an introduction to management, strategic planning, accounting, finance and investment as well as organizational theory and practice and, of course human resources. You will then explore different health care systems, reimbursement and the management of different entities that play a role in oncology. The online learning phase concludes with a course on quality management, again from different perspectives and with insight how to change existing practices.

During the final seminar you will sit your module examination and engage with other participants and students of the Advanced Oncology study program. You will be joining a workshop on drug approval, one on workflow optimization and receive training in negotiation. You will also participate in the very interactive workshop on future perspectives in oncology with alumni of the study program. Furthermore, you may explore personal coaching if desired.

At a glance

  • Duration: 4 months flexible online learning
  • Continuing education in English
  • Small groups (max. 20 people)
  • Costs:
    5. 275,- € (in 2 instalments)
    4. 875,- € (for one-off payment)
  • International networking
  • Personal coaching
  • 91 CME points
  • Start: April (yearly)
    Deadline for applications: at the beginning of the lecture period in the summer semester

Detailed information on continuing medical education "Management"

What am I going to learn?
How does the programme suit me?
How am I going to learn?

Agenda and curriculum

Blended Learning – a contemporary learning concept

The continuing medical education module “Advanced Therapies in Oncology” follows the Advanced Oncology Blended Learning concept. This means that 90% of the lessons are available online as a video module. Our Advanced Oncology library with the relevant literature is available for download. You always have the opportunity to clarify your questions directly with us, be it content or organisation. Of course, your content-related questions will be clarified immediately with the respective lecturer.

Course 1: Business Basics:

This course provides an introduction to planning and strategic as well as human resources management for oncologists. Equally important is the introduction into accounting, finance and investment.In this course you will learn and repeat the diagnosis and treatment of solid tumors of the breast, the female reproductive organs, the urogenital tract and the digestive organs.

  • Introduction to Management
  • Strategic Planning
  • Accounting, Finance and Investment
  • Organizational Therory and Practice
  • Human Resources Management

Course 2: Health Care Systems:

This course introduces to different health systems and aspects of compensation for health services.

  • Healthcare Systems - An International Perspective
  • Social Health and Long-Term Care Insurance
  • National Cancer Registries
  • Integrated Care Models and Contracting

Course 3: Mangement of Entities and Processes

This course provides tools for assessing and improving leadership in oncology. This comprises classical topics such as practice and hospital management as well as telemedicine.

  • Challenges in building up cancer centers
  • Practice Management
  • Hospital Management
  • Quality Assurance in Cancer Care
  • Telemedicine and AI in healthcare
  • Development of Interdisciplinary Guidelines
  • Clinical Pathways and SOPs

Course 4: Quality Control

In this course you will be trained how to assess the quality of care from various perspectives based on a solid foundation in behavioral economics. These analyses open opportunities for future improvements of cancer care.

  • Introduction to Quality Control
  • Health Economic Evaluations
  • Individual Behavior
  • Group Behavior
  • Influence of Leadership and Project Management
  • Culture & Change
  • Strategic Management
  • Negotiation, Communication and Presentation

Participants and goals


The continuing medical education module “Management” is perfect for

  • Specialists (and specialists-to-be, i.e. fellows in clinical training) in oncology and haematology
  • Physicians from neighbouring disciplines
  • Scientists (natural and economic sciences) if you would like to deepen your knowledge of oncology

All content is based upon the ESMO/ASCO Recommendations for a Global Curriculum in Oncology.

Your previously acquired knowledge

You will need the following:

  • Physicians and Scientists: Professional experience of at least one year 

Your learning objective

  • You will learn fundamental management practices and be enabled to responsibly manage human and financial resources.  
  • You will gain an understanding of healthcare systems and their frameworks.  
  • You will become familiar with various stakeholders in the healthcare system and be able to optimize their performance.  
  • You will acquire knowledge of diverse leadership practices.  

Your personal support

Throughout the entire period of your continuing medical education programme, you will have direct personal contact with Dr. Uta Schmidt-Strassburger, who is your contact person for all questions concerning your education.

Study smart: The “Study Advanced Oncology” platform

Advanced Oncology Blended-Learning: 90% Online learning, 10% Presence workshops

In the contining education “Management” you learn 90% online, self-determined and flexible in time. About 10% of the contining education time is covered by the workshop seminars.

Your seminar documents

You will receive all important information in digital form before starting your further education. Your seminar documents will be made available for download on the learning platform.

Digital learning platform

At the beginning of the contining education, you will receive access to our learning platform “Study Advanced Oncology”, which was redesigned in 2021. Here you will find all your teaching materials including learning videos and documentation. You use the platform as a browser application without additional installation. To participate successfully, all you need is a computer with internet connection, a microphone and a webcam (internal microphone and webcam are also possible).

The contining education itself contains many interactive elements that make the learning material very lively and varied. Up to the exam, you will learn flexibly and independently in terms of time and location. During this time, the scientific director, Dr. Schmidt-Strassburger, will be at your disposal to answer any questions regarding the content of the module.

Presence Seminars: Networking and Examinations

We organize our presence seminars in the creative and inspiring rooms of Villa Eberhard in Ulm, Baden-Württemberg. At the beginning of the classroom seminars, you will take your exam. The seminars last 3 or 4 days and offer a varied program with plenty of time for teamwork and creative discussions in workshops.

Dates and details

  • Deadline for registration: Annually at the beginning of the lecture period in the summer semester

  • Virtual introduction to the learningplatform: end of March/start of April

  • Online learning phase: April 2025 - July 2025

  • Seminar: 14. - 17. July 2025. Exam: 14. July 2025


Introduction to the learning platform “Study Advanced Oncology”

At the beginning of your advanced training, we invite you to a virtual introductory seminar, where we will introduce you to the learning platform “Study Advanced Oncology. ” Here you will find the learning content for the module you have booked in a well-structured form. In addition to the intuitive use of our Moodle-based learning management system, you will also get to know the communication functions of the system, through which you can exchange ideas with your lecturers and colleagues. The learning platform, updated in 2021, contains all didactically prepared instructional videos that you can view individually. For each learning unit you will find further literature and tasks for self-examination of your learning progress.

Quality management

During your continuing education and after the seminar days, we ask you to evaluate your learning units and seminars. This evaluation is an important tool of our quality management. We report your evaluations back to our instructors and thus guarantee the consistently high quality of our modules.

Attendance Seminar

The attendance seminar will be held in the exclusive conference rooms of the university's own Villa Eberhardt in Ulm, which is easily accessible by public transportation. Travel arrangements to and from the seminar will be made by the participants themselves. We will provide you with all the necessary information about the seminar in due time. We recommend arriving by train. We can assist you with the organization of your accommodation, but please note that the cost of accommodation is not included in the tuition fees and must be borne separately. Lunch is included in the seminar costs, while breakfast and dinner will be organized by the participants themselves.


Upon successful completion of the “Managemente” module, you will receive the corresponding Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS). This contining education is certified with 91 CME (further contining education points of the Baden-Württemberg Medical Association) or 10 ECTS points.

Notification "Management"

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I apply for the "Management":

Here you will find information on admission regulation, fee regulations and data protection.


Physicians (specialists or specialists-to-be) in oncology and haematology or from neighbouring disciplines with a professional experience of at least one year or

Scientists (natural, engineering and economic sciences) with a professional experience  of at least one year.

Please submit the notification (s. a.) at the beginning of lecture period in the summer semester.

Thereafter you will receive a confirmation message with the list of the requested documents which you have to submit then via email.

  1. Original Bachelor degree certificate in medicine, natural sciences, engineering or economic courses or equivalent at the level of usually four years of studies or 240 ECTS credits.
  2. Original transcript of records (or equivalent) including the official grading scale (minimum grade for passing the Bachelor degree or equivalent, maximum grade)
  3. Certified translations in English or German of the documents if the originals are not in English or German.
  4. Employment verification of the professional experience by indicating the time periods 
    -->Note: This serves to ensure that the required professional experience has been earned. You do not need to document all employment of your professional life, just the year required for admission.
  5. Curriculum Vitae

The tuition fee is 4,875 € for single payment respectively 5,275 € (for payment in 2 instalments).
Travel, living expenses and accommodation costs during the attendance seminars is not included in the fee.

The course takes one semester.

The course starts every year in April.

The tuition language is English. There is no requirement to be proficient in German.

The introduction to the learning platform will be held as an online seminar (1 day, end of March/start of April).

There is one attendance seminar (4 days in July) where the exam will be held as well.

The exam will be held at the end of the course during the mandatory attendance seminar. The exam is performed tablet- or paperbased and consists of a selection of single-choice-questions covering the subject of the course.

Upon successful completion of the “Management” module, you will receive the corresponding Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS).

This continuing medical education is certified with 91 CME (further continuing medical education points of the Baden-Württemberg Medical Association) or 10 ECTS points.
