"Interdisciplinary Oncology"

Continuing Medical Education in Oncology (Certificate of Advanced Studies)

Continuing medical education "Interdisciplinary Oncology"
Medical Director: Prof. Dr. Christian Buske

The 5-month certificate continuing medical education course “Interdisciplinary Oncology” (Certificate of Advanced Studies, CAS) gives you a comprehensive overview of the cellular and molecular biology of tumors. Current methods of molecular and imaging diagnostics (FISH, sequencing, NGS) and modern therapeutic principles (immunotherapy, drug therapy, surgery and stem cell therapy) will be presented and discussed. In the module "Epidemiology" you will learn about the principles of global tumour documentation and gain a comprehensive insight into statistics and the characteristics of tumour registers.

During the final seminar you will study the principles of action of modern therapeutics as well as the advantages and disadvantages of different molecular biological diagnostics, refresh your knowledge of biometrics and learn how to extract molecular diagnostics from databases independently.

In addition, you will be joining our Master's students for the communication and presentation training and may explore personal coaching

"Suitable for all those who want to train in modern tumor therapy."

Prof. Dr. Christian Buske on the content and objectives of "Interdisciplinary Oncology".

At a glance

  • Duration: 5 months flexible online learning
  • Continuing medical education in English
  • Small groups (max. 20 people)
  • Costs:
    5. 275,- € (in 2 instalments)
    4. 875,- € (for one-off payment)
  • International networking
  • Personal coaching
  • 69 CME points
  • Start: October (yearly)
    Deadline for applications: at the beginning of the lecture period in the winter semester

Detailed information on the continuing medical education "Interdisciplinary Oncology"

What am I going to learn?
How does the programme suit me?
How am I going to learn?

Agenda and curriculum

Course 1: Cell and molecular biology of tumours

This course focuses on current key aspects of translational research. The units cover everything from gene structure to cancer stem cells. High-ranking scientists present their own work in the context of the spectrum of knowledge generated so far about cancer development.

  • Cell cycle
  • Apoptosis
  • Senescence, aging
  • Structure of genes
  • Epigenetics
  • micro-RNA/protein processing
  • Congenital immune system and cancer
  • Oncogenes
  • Transcription factors
  • Growth factors
  • Tumor suppressor genes
  • Tumor invasion and metastasis
  • Cancer stem cells
  • Cancer and metabolism
  • Oncogenic viruses

Course 2: Diagnostics

This course provides a summary of all modern aids used to treat a cancer patient and a cancer patient. Benefits and limitations of imaging techniques up to molecular diagnostics are discussed on the basis of case-specific scenarios.

  • Modern diagnostic tools: Her2, PDGFR, clonality analysis, KRAS, EGFR pathology
  • Microarray technology; Next-Generation Sequencing
  • Cytological studies
  • Flow cytometry
  • Biomarkers
  • Radiology
  • Neuroradiology
  • Nuclear medicine (PET/CT)

Course 3: Principles of therapy

This course examines treatment options in oncology from surgery to targeted therapy including immunotherapy, stem cell therapy and genetic counseling. Using the solitary lung node as an example, interdisciplinary cooperation between the different competencies is developed.

  • Principles of immunotherapy of tumours
  • General surgery (principles of onco surgery, solitary lung node)
  • Medicinal therapy
  • Personalized therapy
  • Radiation therapy
  • Radiation physics
  • Radiation biology
  • Genetic counselling
  • Stem cell transplantation

Course 4: Epidemiology

This course first provides an introduction to epidemiology followed by an overview of cancer statistics and etiology. You will learn epidemiological methods and aspects

  • Introduction to Epidemiology
  • Descriptive Epidemiology
  • Application of descriptive epidemiology
  • Risk factors
  • Cancer prevention
  • Cancer Screening

Attendance seminars

We organize our attendance seminars in the creative and inspiring rooms of Villa Eberhard in Ulm, Baden-Württemberg. The seminars last 3 or 4 days and offer a varied programme with plenty of time for teamwork and creative discussions.

Introductory seminar in October

  • Presentation of the seminar contents
  • Workshop “Evidence-Based Pathology”
  • Workshop Health economic evaluation
  • Seminar and Workshop “Pathology”
  • Visit of a tumor board at the Comprehensive Cancer Center Ulm

Closing seminar in March

  • Statistics workshop
  • Introduction to Scientific Writing
  • Practical Pathology Module
  • Communication and presentation seminar
  • Examination
  • Cancer Screening

Participants and goals


The continuing medical education course “Interdisciplinary Oncology” is perfect for

  • Specialists (and specialists-to-be, i.e. fellows in clinical training) in oncology and hematology
  • Physicians from other disciplines
  • Scientists (natural and economic sciences) if you would like to deepen your knowledge of oncology

all content is based upon the “ESMO /ASCO Recommendations for a Global Curriculum in Oncology. ”

Your previously acquired knowledge

You will need the following:

  • Physicians: Professional experience of at least one year or
  • Scientists: Professional experience in oncology of at least one year or professional experience of at least two years in the absence of oncology

Your learning objective

During your 5-month continuing medical education course "Interdisciplinary Oncology”" you will receive a comprehensive and well-founded introduction to the basics of tumor biology, diagnostics, therapy and epidemiology:

  • You will learn the basics of tumor formation and understand their connection to modern tumor therapy.
    Using a variety of examples from molecular diagnostics, we will show you how the results of these techniques contribute to patient stratification for the best possible treatment.
  • An important field of application is also cancer statistics: Using practical examples, you will learn how to implement current findings from population-based cancer registries in screening and prevention.
  • You will fully understand the benefits of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) and can identify molecular targets on your own in public databases.

Regardless of whether you want to become a manager or want to learn about new diagnostic and therapeutic options, this continuing education will show you the latest findings, diagnoses and therapies by means of real-world examples.

Your personal support

Throughout the entire period of your continuing medical education programme, you will have direct personal contact with Dr. Uta Schmidt-Strassburger, who is your contact person for all questions concerning your education.

Study smart: The “Study Advanced Oncology” platform

Advanced Oncology Blended-Learning: 90% Online learning, 10% Attendance seminars

In the continuing medical education training “Interdisciplinary Oncology” you learn 90% online, self-determined and flexible in time. About 10% of the time is covered by the workshop seminars.

Your seminar documents

You will receive all important information in digital form before starting your further education. Your seminar documents will be made available for download on the learning platform.

Digital learning platform

At the beginning of the continuing education, you will receive access to our learning platform “Study Advanced Oncology”, which was redesigned in 2021. Here you will find all your teaching materials including learning videos and documentation. You use the platform as a browser application without additional installation. To participate successfully, all you need is a computer with internet connection, a microphone and a webcam (internal microphone and webcam are also possible).

The education itself contains many interactive elements that make the learning material very lively and varied. Up to the exam, you will learn flexibly and independently in terms of time and location. During this time, the scientific director, Dr. Schmidt-Strassburger, will be at your disposal to answer any questions regarding the content of the module.

Attendance Seminars: Networking and Examinations

We organize our attendance seminars in the creative and inspiring rooms of Villa Eberhard in Ulm, Baden-Württemberg. At the beginning of the classroom seminars, you will take your exam. The seminars last 3 or 4 days and offer a varied program with plenty of time for teamwork and creative discussions in workshops.


Dates and details

  • Deadline for registration: Annually at the beginning of the lecture period in the winter semester

  • Seminar week 1 - Introductory workshops: October (3 days attendance workshop)

  • Online learning phase: October - March

  • Seminar week 2 - Closing workshops: March (3 days attendance workshop and examination)

  • Examination date: March

Everything else you need to know

Attendance Seminar

The attendance seminar will be held in the exclusive conference rooms of the university's own Villa Eberhardt in Ulm, which is easily accessible by public transportation. Travel arrangements to and from the seminar will be made by the participants themselves. We will provide you with all the necessary information about the seminar in due time. We recommend arriving by train. We can assist you with the organization of your accommodation, but please note that the cost of accommodation is not included in the tuition fees and must be borne separately. Lunch is included in the seminar costs, while breakfast and dinner will be organized by the participants themselves.


Upon successful completion of the “Interdisciplinary Oncology” module, you will receive the corresponding Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS).

This continuing medical education is certified with 69 CME (further continuing medical education points of the Baden-Württemberg Medical Association) or 12 ECTS points.

Quality management

During your continuing education and after the seminar days, we ask you regularly to evaluate your learning units and seminars. This evaluation is an important tool of our quality management. We report your evaluations back to our instructors and thus guarantee the consistently high quality of our modules.

Notification "Interdisciplinary Oncology"

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I apply for the certificate "Specialist Interdisciplinary Oncology"

Here you will find information on admission regulation, fee regulations and data protection.


Specialists (and specialists-to-be, i.e. fellows in clinical training) in oncology and hematology or physicians from other disciplines with a professional experience of at least one year, or

Scientists (natural and economic sciences) with a professional experience in oncology of at least one year or a professional experience of at least two years in the absence of oncology

Please submit the notification (s.a.) at the beginning of the lecture period in the winter semester.

Thereafter you will receive a confirmation message with the list of the requested documents which you have to submit then via email.

  1. Original Bachelor degree certificate in medicine, natural sciences, engineering or economic courses or equivalent at the level of usually four years of studies or 240 ECTS credits
  2. Original transcript of records (or equivalent) including the official grading scale (minimum grade for passing the Bachelor degree or equivalent, maximum grade)
  3. Certified translations in English or German of the documents if the originals are not in English or German
  4. Physicians: Employment verification of a professional experience of at least one year
  5. Natural, engineering and economic scientists: employment verification of a professional experience in oncology of at least one year or of a professional experience of two years in absence of oncological knowledges.
  6. Curriculum Vitae

The tuition fee is 4,875 € for single payment respectively 5,275 € for payment in 2 instalments.

Travel, living expenses and accommodation costs during the attendance seminars are not included in the fee. 

The course takes one semester.

The course starts every year in October.

The tuition language is English. There is no requirement to be proficient in German.

There are 2 seminars:

1. Seminar: Introductory workshop (3 days: Tuesday to Thursday in October). Participation is possible either in presence or via Zoom.

2. Seminar: Mandatory attendance seminar (3 days: Monday to Wednesday in March) where the exam will be held as well. You have to attend in presence.

The exam will be held at the end of the course during the mandatory attendance seminar. The exam is performed tablet- or paperbased and consists of a selection of single-choice-questions covering the subject of the course.

Upon successful completion of the “Interdisciplinary Oncology” module, you will receive the corresponding Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS).

This continuing medical education is certified with 69 CME (further continuing medical education points of the Baden-Württemberg Medical Association) or 12 ECTS points.
