At the Medical Faculty of Ulm University we focus our research on major questions of our time like aging and age-related diseases as well as trauma research.
At the Medical Faculty of Ulm University we focus our research on major questions of our time like aging and age-related diseases as well as trauma research.
At the Medical Faculty of Ulm University a research profile has been developed during recent years, strengthened through directed appointment of professorships, external funding and faculty resources. The main research topics are:
These research areas are strengthened by 20 nationally and internationally funded research networks coordinated in Ulm (as of January 2025). An additional important measure is the construction of a Research Building Multidimensional Trauma-Sciences (MTW).
These developments were accompanied by a remarkable increase in third-party funds acquired and in publication output. Compared to other medical faculties in Germany Ulm is ranking clearly above the average for third-party funds per professor.
Please find current additional information in the Research Report of the Medical Faculty 2021-2022 (in German).
A complemental measure for strengthening the scientific performance is the implementation of core facilities that provide resources for shared cross-institutional use and to external partners.
Young academics are our assets for the future. Therefore we support their research initiatives in manifold ways.
CRC 1506 – Aging at Interfaces
CRC 1279 – Exploiting the Human Peptidome for Novel Antimicrobial and Anticancer Agents
CRC 1149 – Danger Response, Disturbance Factors and Regenerative Potential after Acute Trauma
CRC 1074 – Experimental Models and Clinical Translation in Leukemia