Dr. Sebastian Wiese
Tel: 0731 500 65512
The Core Unit Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics (CUMP) offers all research groups of the Ulm Medical Centre and the University of Ulm as well as external companies and academic institutions the possibility of state-of-the-art proteome research for the identification and quantification of proteins and post-translational modifications. Customised mass spectrometric solutions on ESI or MALDI instruments are offered, complemented by efficient data analysis tools. From planning and experimental design to practical application tips, you will receive detailed advice from CUMP staff.

With SDS-PAGE and SCX chromatography, potent methods are available for sample fractionation. Various fragmentation techniques (CID, HCD, MSA) can be used for mass spectrometric analyses.
A large number of different programmes and solutions are available for data evaluation and statistical analysis. The methods and technologies established at CUMP enable the processing of a broad spectrum of biological and medical issues. Both complex qualitative and quantitative analyses can be carried out using all common methods (label-free, SILAC, isobaric reagents).
- Protein/peptide fractionation (SDS-PAGE, SCX chromatography)
- Proteolytic digestion
- Peptide enrichment (TiO2 enrichment of phosphopeptides)
- Mass spectrometric analysis
- Bioinformatic data analysis (qualitative and quantitative)
- Statistical analysis

Orbitrap Elite
- The CUMP currently operates a Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Elite, which is coupled online with a Dionex RSLCnano uPLC. This combination allows the identification and quantification of thousands of proteins and post-translational modifications.
HPLC Anlage
- CUMP also operates a multi-dimensional HPLC system for the separation of peptides and proteins using cation exchange chromatography (SCX) or size exclusion chromatography (SEC).
- The AXIMA-Confidence offers the required detection sensitivity with excellent mass accuracy and mass resolution for unambiguous identification of the proteins of interest.