Bannertitel der CF Genomics

Prof. Konstanze Döhner

Dr. Karlheinz Holzmann
Tel:  0731 500 44694

The Genomics Core Facility of the Faculty of Medicine offers services for all working groups of the hospital, university and external companies/universities for their research. The Genomics Core Facility consists of the former chip facility and the newly established 'Next Generation Sequencing' unit.

The sequencing service includes the entire experimental planning as well as the bioinformatic evaluation and supervision of the projects (Prof. Dr. H. A. Kestler (Institute of Medical Systems Biology) & Dr. K. Holzmann (Genomics Core Facility)).


Picture Illumina NextSeq 550
Illumina NextSeq550
Picture Chromium iX
Chromium iX

Next Generation Sequencing

In the area of Next Generation Sequencing, the Genomics Core Facility has used a HiSeq 2000 from Illumina from 2013 until the beginning of 2019. Since February 2019, the Core Facility has now a NextSeq 550, which has significantly improved flexibility with regard to the size of sequencing projects.

Sequencing on the NextSeq 550 is both cheaper and much faster than on the HiSeq. While sequencing 200 bases on the HiSeq took 10 days, sequencing 300 bases on the NextSeq takes only 29 hours.

Sequencing services:

  • Whole Genome Sequencing
  • Exome Sequencing
  • Panel sequencing
  • RNA sequencing (also from minimal amounts of RNA)
  • miRNA sequencing (also from plasma, from exosomes)
  • ChIP sequencing
  • Microbiome sequencing
  • Single Cell RNA Seq (Chromium iX)
Microarray technology enables to evaluate the mRNA expression profile of thousands of genes within a single experiment.
Affymetrix GeneChip Microarrays

Affymetrix GeneChip Microarrays

In the area of Microarrays, a system from Affymetrix is available as well as a microarray spotter to produce custom arrays.

Microarrays Services:

  • Expression profile analyses
  • miRNA analyses
  • SNP/Copy Number analyses
  • ChIP on Chip analyses
  • Sequencing of mitochondrial DNA
  • Support in the establishment of custom arrays

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