The Neuroscience Center is an association founded in 2002, consisting of research groups, institutes, clinics, and external partners in the Ulm region who are active in research and teaching in the fields of neuroscience, neurology, and psychiatry.


Our goals are:
1) To promote and network research activities in the fields of neuroscience, neurology, and psychiatry at the University of Ulm and in the region.
2) To serve as a forum and focal point for intellectual exchange on clinical and preclinical research in neurosciences, for example through joint lecture events or symposia.
3) To highlight scientific and clinical expertise as well as research focuses at the location, thereby fostering internal and external collaborations and translational projects.
4) To support young scientists at all career stages and in relevant study programs and to assist their research-related training; particularly, the support of doctoral candidates (Dr. biol. hum., Dr. rer. nat., Dr. med., Ph.D.) should be a central focus of our activities.


Statute of the Neuroscience Center Ulm



Prof. Dr. Tobias M. Böckers

Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology


Prof. Dr. Dennis Kätzel

Institute of Applied Physiology
