MTW research building

In the emerging research building "Mutidimensional Trauma Sciences", precisely tailored research and communication areas for basic and clinical scientists will be created on almost 5000m2

By 2025, scientists from various disciplines – trauma surgeons, geneticists, psychologists and many more – will move in to find highly specialised biomedical laboratories, operation and intensive care facilities for small and large animals, a large animal imaging center as well as systems biology rooms for in silico analyses. Moreover, a clinical study center and a biobank will be provided for translational studies. 

Construction progress

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Construction costs: 65.4 million EUR
Initial equipment: 5.6 million EUR
Large equipment: 2.2 million EUR
Financed by state (50%) and federal ministries of research and the medical faculty of Ulm University 

Start of construction: February 2021
Handover to users/move: 2025

Location: Oberer Eselsberg, Science Park I

Proposal according to the higher education construction fund, 
Art. 91b GG
2019: approval/recommendation by the German Council of Science and Humanities ("herausragend/outstanding")

Architects: Heinle Wischer Freie Architekten, Stuttgart
Project management: Vermögen und Bau Baden-Württemberg, Amt Ulm

May 2019: Recommendation by the German Council of Science and Humanities

University president Prof. Michael Weber, deputy founding director Prof. Anita Ignatius, Wilmuth Lindenthal (VB-BW), founding director Prof. Markus Huber-Lang and dean of the medical faculty Prof. Thomas Wirth (from left to right) present a building model during a press conference on the occasion of the recommendation by the German Council of Science and Humanities.

Animation: Heinle, Wischer und Partner, freie Architekten
Video: Daniela Stang
Photo: Lutz Dürselen