New courses leading to certificates in oncology
Intensive continuing education offers by 'Advanced Oncology'

Ulm University

With its compact courses leading to Certificates of Advanced Studies in 'Interdisciplinary Oncology' and 'Advanced Therapies in Oncology', the Medical Faculty of Ulm University is now offering physicians and natural scientists the opportunity to expand their specialist knowledge on cancer research and treatments online. The two courses are taught in English by international experts from health care and cancer research, who impart a broad spectrum of expert knowledge. The registration deadline for the courses starting in October 2021 is Wednesday, 15 September.

The population ages: this also increases the likelihood of developing cancer. At the same time, innovations in oncology are reducing cancer mortality, and many cancers are becoming chronic diseases requiring long-term care. This increases the demand for continuing academic education for oncologists worldwide. In addition to extensive clinical competencies in various areas of cancer treatment, professionals also seek to learn about aspects of personalized and patient-centred medicine, expertise in conducting clinical trials and the professional management of oncology facilities.

'State-of-the-art and compact! The certificates in Advanced Oncology are perfectly tailored to the continuing education needs in cancer therapy, oncological co-treatment and research. The participants can work through each online lesson individually and flexibly, while the face-to-face seminars offer the opportunity for intensive exchange with experts from all over the world. This programme is unique in its depth,' Professor Stephan Stilgenbauer, who is responsible for the certificate 'Advanced Therapies in Oncology' and Medical Director of the Comprehensive Cancer Center Ulm (CCCU) at the University Medical Centre Ulm, describes the orientation of the courses.

The professional exchange between the participants as well as with the lecturers and international alumni complements the study contents. This worldwide Advanced Oncology network of excellently trained specialists grows continuously.
Long-standing cooperation partner of Ulm's Advanced Oncology is the European School of Oncology (ESO), an independently funded, international non-profit organization dedicated to the education and training of physicians in oncology. Participants of the course 'Advanced Therapies in Oncology' have the opportunity to attend the ESO-ESMO Masterclass, an annual meeting of high-level international oncology experts.

Course overview 'Interdisciplinary Oncology' and 'Advanced Therapies in Oncology':

  • Expertise from science and clinical practice
  • Online courses in combination with a one-week in-person seminar each
  • Small groups (max. 20 participants)
  • University-level education (Certificate of Advanced Studies) and CME-certified
  • Individual coaching
  • International network
  • Language of instruction: English
  • Costs: from EUR 4875 per course
  • Duration: 5 months (annually from October), registration deadline: 15 September


More information and course registration:


Text and media contact: Daniela Stang

Doctors talking to each other
Professional exchange with the lecturers is part of the new courses leading to a certificate in oncology. Photo: Prof. Thomas Seufferlein, Prof. Michaela Feuring-Buske, PD. Dr. Verena Gaidzik, PD. Dr. Vikas Prasad and Prof. Hartmut Döhner (from the left) (photo: Heiko Grandel)